
Wednesday, November 22

Idk, I'm just rambling today

Human Computer is the name of my 1st book. 

Over the last two weeks. I was scared to look at my book. That shouldn’t be my thoughts. I should be happy. I should be excited to know. I’ve crossed off a goal of mine. It feels kind of shitty – if you ask me – to be in this predictament.

Who gets off on destroying people’s lives and their work? These must be the very people who brutally rape their own children in satanic ritual abuse. I mean, there’s no freaking way around it. You can’t have any moral character. You must be a Karen, a peeping Tom (oh, Tom Hanks! Now I know why they called him that)! They knew that man was a pedophile. In fact, you should notice pedo’s seem to get light sentences. Well, now that the international order is going to take front-and-center-stage some people in the United States should be a bit shook up. You’d think the ones that protected those guys would be feeling uneasy enough to leave the little guys (like me) alone.

But, they won’t.

Since "they" wouldn't allow me to get my full book out I guess I've got to do some writing here and hope that whoever wanted it would come and see it. 

I've been under heavy attack and because of this, I want to learn how to protect my DNA. Actually, Sabrina Wallace said, "Learn how to stop DNA from propagating." 

As I mentioned in many videos over the years. The elite are turning humanity into something else using the electromagnetic spectrum. I see it happening daily. Unfortunately, I'm also being attacked and they're hitting me hard. I feel like I have to get away from where I am. But the reality of these things are two-part.

1. The only help that's ever going to take me through any of this is Jesus. We are all born to die. If my time creeps up on me. Well. It was my time and I'm not scared to go anymore. (yes, i used to be petrified of dying in my sin)...

2. I believe in miracles and I know the one who works them. So, let's just see what he has to say about it. 

Ah, after reading the little parts of my book. I'm absolutely sickened. They will go thru any lengths to destroy what I do. I bet I screenshot everything and come back to it all messed up. Whatever, it seems I need some praise music on. I feel really beat up lately and lifeless. But, I hear in the Spirit it won't last long. So, I'm going to try and get myself moving today. After the last burn on me. Well... I've just felt like crap and all of it is overwhelming.

No weapon formed against me will prosper. However, it will make me stronger because HE who lives in me is greater than he who lives in the world. 

Light-emitting silicon: no longer a “holy grail” for computing - FETFX

Friday, November 17

My website is HELD HOSTAGE!


After nearly four years of sharing my testimony, and the oddities of that book, the sabotage of my work is nothing new. Yet it's not easier to deal with. Instead, it invokes feelings of despair. The weird part is, I don't feel that way for myself - I feel that way - FOR THEM. I mean, after all, there's nothing good awaiting those who do such things. Not even if it's just in the name of National Security. Why not allow me to expound on my thoughts as I rationalize this thought with you (and them they follow my everything and even sabotage my posts to make me look like I'm mental and undereducated, which is why I screenshot this crap)! 

Anyhow, let's read the following headlines:

Nuclear War WILL HAPPEN, Putin Warns us in this Newsweek article posted only four hours ago on 11/17/2023 at 10:06 am

This article came in just after the Metro puts out a MAP of the nuclear devastation the United States will suffer on Nov 17, at 7:55 am.

So why are all these different reports of war coming out?

Matthew 24:6

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

That's the ultimate reason! The Prophets of old told us this so that we may know! We are now in that time and the evidence is all around us. 

In February of 2023, the Independent published an article shows a map (they know keeps circulating because everything everyone does is recorded in artificially intelligent databases NATO, Airbus, United Nations, and all lower-level governments use in the name of "defense") to alert Americans of the impending doom that's driving the elite to run into bunkers. Here is an excerpt:

"A map claiming to show the areas of the US that may be targeted in a nuclear war that originally circulated in 2015 is making the rounds again, amid the Russian war in Ukraine. The map indicates that areas such as Montana and North Dakota may be vital to strike US forces. The map outlines possible targets in every US state, mostly located in the east, but also along the Californian coast. In the west, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming have clusters of targets noted on the map. Some of the larger targets include active nuclear plants. There are approximately 90 plants across the US, with some located in Alabama, Arizona, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee."

In December of 2021, the Guardian published an article about a gentleman who claims he walked away from a VR simulation "a different person." Let's quickly review what's being said in this '15 mins to save the world' article. 

"On this occasion my national security adviser was still stuck in traffic, and the military aide is trained to say nothing. His job is to hold on to the briefcase, the “nuclear football”, containing the launch plans and biscuit. In the US system, the president has sole command authority. He or she can make the decision without asking for any advice.
In another paragraph:  
"The VR simulation has been developed by a team from Princeton, American and Hamburg universities, based on extensive research, including interviews with former officials, into what would happen if the US was – or believed itself to be – under nuclear attack. They have called their project the Nuclear Biscuit, after the small card bearing the president’s launch authorization codes."

All of these locations and Universities are mentioned in a cipher I created. If you don't know about that. You should learn! Anyhow, "Nuclear Biscuit" is an interesting name. I wonder who came up with it and where they were when they did. 

Is it possible it was at a ritual to Molech? 

Admit it. These days anything is possible. 

After all, a guy named Don told me that the world powers were taking us into war just around four years ago. It just so happens the Prophet Jonathan Kleck had been warning me (for at least a decade prior) and Don served as a confirmation that the Lord God was showing me, I better clean my act up! I'd been having dreams of war for years beginning back in 2017. Ever since, I've been learning what it means to walk in faith - 


That's funny to me! But it isn't funny. All at the same time. There's a bigger war in my head than there is out here! But that's not the topic on hand. We are a generation of vipers - by nature! That's why so many people are visiting online therapists (as if it's going to help them). 

             (by the way, I'm actually skilled in that department if you ever need anyone to talk to)

But let me stick to the topic. I have a page on Facebook that's called 'its all been planned out.' The reason for this page has to do with the book that prompted me to create a cipher and then write my first book. It's the whole reason my website has been hijacked. I've a lot of intel from it, and from the way I see it, there's absolutely no way the people who knew about this stuff (before the common people) are getting away with what they've chosen to do. 


From what I know N A S A employees will do well during these times - because they have interoperability requirements to fulfill - which gives them the capabilities to be alerted to things BEFORE THEY HAPPEN. So will FEMA the DOD and the DOE. Them guys have spots to be comfy in bunkers below our feet and even in the hills. The sad part is that they don't know what the gospel says. The good part is, I DO.

Do you?

War on American soil will allow them to go down into bunkers and stuff like that. So they think they're okay. I can assure you. They're not. 

Right now, a lot of the rich and famous are going into bunkers. There has been a lot of talk about that too. So, it's likely you've heard about it. However, I bet you didn't know one of the things I wrote about in my book had to do with changing the topography of the land world-wide. I'm always saying they're opening the bottomless pit, and because, they are! Read Revelation 9 and Joel 2. We are already seeing that happen with sinkholes, water main breaks, and highways falling into the ocean. 

It just so happens to be that Don showed me once the land shifted to a certain degree (whatever that is to them) "they" would initiate this war on American soil. It will be followed by an attack on Taiwan. (let me clarify. They will attack Taiwan first. Then america). All of which is unfolding quickly. Sadly, when I was writing my book the powers that be would work against me. So, to get something out, I finally decided to put as much of it together - in one day - and put it out. 

This left a lot uncovered. So, I'm going to put it all here. Right here in this blog!

If you don't have my book, email me. My contact is on the main page of this blog. 
Or it's Subject should say, "book".

Over the next few weeks. We are going into all kinds of different sets of information regarding the war, land changes, volcanic blasts and earthquakes, to prophecy. If you would like to follow, you should follow this blog. 
There's a lot of crap to sort thru and all kinds of information that shows they knew long before now that they were taking us into war. This is why the USA has been infiltrated with war-aged men (a lot of whom have been released from prisons in Guatemala and Venezuela.)

Let's part today with this verse. It proves the rulers of the earth have conspired together. 

Psalm 2

1 Why do the nations conspire[a]

    and the peoples plot in vain?

2 The kings of the earth rise up

    and the rulers band together

    against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,

3 “Let us break their chains

    and throw off their shackles.”

4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;

    the Lord scoffs at them.

5 He rebukes them in his anger

    and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,

6 “I have installed my king

    on Zion, my holy mountain.”

7 I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:

He said to me, “You are my son;

    today I have become your father.

8 Ask me,

    and I will make the nations your inheritance,

    the ends of the earth your possession.

9 You will break them with a rod of iron

    you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”

10 Therefore, you kings, be wise;

    be warned, you rulers of the earth.

11 Serve the Lord with fear

    and celebrate his rule with trembling.

12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry

    and your way will lead to your destruction,

for his wrath can flare up in a moment.

    Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

I will see you in the next post. Don't forget to follow the blog. They don't want me to talk. I'm not quitting. Heck, if they want my website that bad. That's great. But I'm still going to keep them working.

p.s. It's been days since I wrote this and I got my website back!


2016, UN Forces allowed to exercise their power on American soil Excerpt: "The arrival of the United Nations requires federalization of police in order to set a global standard of law enforcement. President Barrack Obama has pounced on the opportunity to exploit recent shootings to push for the federalization of local police forces."

CBS News 2014, Local police departments are armed with military vehicles and weapons. 

2023, Local police departments aren't employing as many cops as they once were

Map of US shows how devastating a nuclear attack would be | Tech News | Metro News

Map of US claims to show areas most at risk of being targeted in nuclear war | The Independent

Pictures of screenshots to prove any changes (if anything changes in transmission of this post)