
Tuesday, October 13

The Lord God IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSON'S; the self proclaimed Hebrew Israelite's are walking in deception

 As the title says. The men and women of color who profess to be the "chosen ones" because of their color are absolutely deceived. There are so many ways to prove this. But, here is one aspect that has been revealed and I felt the need to share it.

Deuteronomy 10:17

10:17 For the LORD 3068 your God 430 [is] God 430 of gods 430, and Lord 113 of lords 113, a great 1419 God 410, a mighty 1368, and a terrible 3372 8737, which regardeth 5375 8799 not persons 6440, nor taketh 3947 8799 reward 7810:

Let's break this down. Taking each highlighted word back to it's original context.
LORD is H3068
here is what that means...

Orig: from 1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God:--Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069. H1961 H3050 H3069
Use: TWOT-484a Proper Name
Grk Strong: G1203 G2316 G2962
Jehovah = "the existing One" 1) the proper name of the one true God 1a) unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of H136

Second highlighted word is God 430

God H430

Orig: plural of 433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative:--angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty. H433
Use: TWOT-93c Noun Masculine
Grk Strong: G2304 G2316 G2316 G2962
1) (plural) 1a) rulers, judges 1b) divine ones 1c) angels 1d) gods 2) (plural intensive-singular meaning) 2a) god, goddess 2b) godlike one 2c) works or special possessions of God 2d) the (true) God 2e) God

When the LORD God is put together it's referring to The Supreme God. The creator of ALL things. EL-ELYONE and we can prove this in this scripture alone. 

For the Lord (the self existent eternal Jehovah) your God (elohyim; plural angels OF the supreme God) is God (elohyim=angels... capital G) of gods (Elohyim=angels with a lower case g) 

Let's analyse the rest of this passage. 

 and Lord 113 of lords 113, a great 1419 God 410

Lord (notice again the capital and lower case letters just like God and god it's Lord of lords)
Lord h113 meaning

Pronounce: aw-done'

Strong: H113

Orig: or (shortened) adon \i aw-done'\i0\plain\f3\fs21\cf23 ; from an unused root (meaning to rule); sovereign, i.e. controller (human or divine):-- lord, master, owner. Compare also names beginning with "Adoni-".

Use: TWOT-27b Noun Masculine

Grk Strong: G435 G758 G1203 G2962 G5530

    1) firm, strong, lord, master
    1a) lord, master
    1a1) reference to men
    1a1a) superintendent of household, of affairs
    1a1b) master
    1a1c) king
    1a2) reference to God
    1a2a) the Lord God
    1a2b) Lord of the whole earth
    1b) lords, kings
    1b1) reference to men
    1b1a) proprietor of hill of Samaria
    1b1b) master
    1b1c) husband
    1b1d) prophet
    1b1e) governor
    1b1f) prince
    1b1g) king
    1b2) reference to God
    1b2a) Lord of lords (probably = "thy husband, Yahweh")
    1c) my lord, my master
    1c1) reference to men
    1c1a) master
    1c1b) husband
    1c1c) prophet
    1c1d) prince
    1c1e) king
    1c1f) father
    1c1g) Moses
    1c1h) priest
    1c1i) theophanic angel
    1c1j) captain
    1c1k) general recognition of superiority
    1c2) reference to God
    1c2a) my Lord, my Lord and my God
    1c2b) Adonai (parallel with Yahweh)

Here we see that Lord means many things but Lord of the whole earth and reference to God and Adonai which is parallel with Yahweh and it's capitalized. This is how they tried to trick people. This is how they desired to change the word. But, as the scriptures say.  It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out. By digging into the root words like we have done. You can see clearly what is being stated in each passage of the biblical text. 

So, before we put into context this whole understanding. Let me say this. The Lord thy God is ONE as it's stated in Deuteronomy 6:4  Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:

So, the Lord God is ONE not two not PLURAL. But, he IS and most certainly can be the cumulative sum of Elohyim. Meaning ALL of the angels are what makes up the Most High. 
And the proof lay right here in the following word (God 410)

 and Lord 113 of lords 113, a great 1419 God 410

God in this verse is now denoted by the hebrew word 410 

el: God, in pl. gods
Original Word: אֵל
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: el
Phonetic Spelling: (ale)
Definition: God, in pl. gods

God again is singular. But, ALL of the Elohyim make up the Most High God. As all good and bad comes from above. Isaiah 14:13 For thou hast said 559 8804 in thine heart 3824, I will ascend 5927 8799 into heaven 8064, I will exalt 7311 8686 my throne 3678 above 4605 the stars 3556 of God 410: I will sit 3427 8799 also upon the mount 2022 of the congregation 4150, in the sides 3411 of the north 6828:

Satan said he would exalt his throne above the stars of God 410
The same word we see in Deuteronomy 10:7
10:17 For the LORD 3068 your God 430 [is] God 430 of gods 430, and Lord 113 of lords 113, a great 1419 God 410, a mighty 1368, and a terrible 3372 8737, which regardeth 5375 8799 not persons 6440, nor taketh 3947 8799 reward 7810:

Isaiah 14 with Deuteronomy 10:17 are the undeniable proof of who the Most High is. The Most High is a cumulative sum of angels and magistrates who are OF the Most High. So, Lets put this into context.

For the LORD 3068 (; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God) your God 430
( Elohyim) [is] God 430 (elohyim)of gods 430 (elohyim) and Lord 113 (controller; human or divine; the Lord God, master, Adonai) of lords 113  controller (human or divine) master, Adonai  a great 1419 God 410 (EL-EL-yone) a mighty 1368, and a terrible 3372 8737, which regardeth 5375 8799 not persons 6440, nor taketh 3947 8799 reward 7810:

And satan said he would exalt his throne above the stars of EL-El-yone.

It's undeniable El-Elyone is the Creator of ALL things. He is the master of this matrix called the host body system for a times, times, and half a times. In which he used to steal the light of EL's angels. We know this because the Most high is denoted in verse 14 of Isaiah as shown. And in Deuteronomy the Most High is saying who he is. For the LORD your God is God of gods...

The Most high is Lord of the Elohyim (and he is one) he is Lord of lords.
a great God (hebrew word 410) is the same hebrew word we find in Isaiah 14. It's no secret that Satan was given dominion of this realm. And it's no secret that he wanted to exalt his throne ABOVE the most High. There is NO other one to exalt a throne above. 

Isaiah 43:10 Ye [are] my witnesses 5707, saith 5002 8803 the LORD 3068, and my servant 5650 whom I have chosen 977 8804: that ye may know 3045 8799 and believe 539 8686 me, and understand 995 8799 that I [am] he: before 6440 me there was no God 410 formed 3335 8738, neither shall there be after 310 me.

Again, we see the Hebrew word 410 for the name God. 

This is undeniable proof that the Most High, the God of Jacob. The Father of Abraham. Is in fact, The Most High EL-ELYONE. And there is NO god that is before or after him. And he states in Deuteronomy 10:17 that he is doesn't regard persons.

How then will men/woman of color be the "chosen?" That's impossible and NOT scriptural at all. If you've found yourself believing this man made ideology and your aiming for eternal life I suggest you repent NOW. 

The Most High is El-Elyone. He is the creator of ALL the angels. ALL the heavens. And the earth. He is the cumulative sum of the Angels. ALL of the Angels are OF him. You can't be OF something and BE that something. And satan wanted to exalt his throne above (H410) EL-ELYONE the Supreme God-head that is the beginning and the last. He is Jesus Christ. The self-existent eternal Jehovah and if YOU feel like your special because your a descendant of Abraham than your deceived. You can NOT be saved unless YOU have repented of YOUR SIN by confession and turning away. Israel is NOT a color. It's not a race. It's those who are inwardly circumcised (of the heart).

The bible says there will be a great falling away from the faith. I believe the one's he speaks of are those who claim man was more powerful than the Most High and by changing the name of the Messiah they're making us to worship a false God. These very people have fallen away and deny the saving grace of the ONLY name of which they may be saved (Jesus Christ).

Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

Exodus 20:2 I [am] the LORD 3068 thy God 430, which have brought 3318 8689 thee out of the land 776 of Egypt 4714, out of the house 1004 of bondage 5650.

Exodus 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down 7812 8691 thyself to them, nor serve 5647 8714 them: for I the LORD 3068 thy God 430 [am] a jealous 7067 God 410, visiting 6485 8802 the iniquity 5771 of the fathers 1 upon the children 1121 unto the third 8029 and fourth 7256 [generation] of them that hate 8130 8802 me;

The Prophet Jonathan Kleck proves this all out Here: