
Tuesday, March 23

Quick letter to my beloved persecutors

 My hopes to help people around me by providing them solid information sometimes comes off as if it's failing. Is this a symptom of my targeting? Is there a file somewhere that tells them what buttons to push, how to hurt me the most, or even how I will react to the x, y, z event?

If so, are any of you who follow, stalk, monitor, and mess with my posts bold enough to say, "Hey, I'm doing x, y, z experiments?" ---I doubt it--- All it takes is a paycheck to make you do what you do now already. 


Why do I ask? You hide behind desks and chalk your work up to science. It used to scare me. Your presence that is. Especially when your teams would break into my house. Do any of you have children? What if this were happening to your children? Or are you a pedophile? Do you sell your kid's photos on the internet also? I mean, you're into a little dirty work already, it wouldn't be abnormal for you to be into something more than this. 

I mean, unless you're like I was when I was dancing. Oh, how naive I was those days. I set with an entire N A S A team for about a week drinking. Didn't know who they were then (wild how I found out too)! I won't forget the girl's face. Can't remember their names (I googled them though and I will the save shaming them they do those "low-life white-collar operations" not me). Was this to evaluate me? How do you compile data like that? Was one of those people with you a robot who looked human and could read eyes?


I don't put anything past y'all.

We know you.

We know you have secrets.

21 billion is a lot of money to keep those secrets. Can y'all stop messing with my Adsense so I can collect a few dollars or are you stealing that too because of your "special tactics requirements section of the handbook you operate out of" (it's either you or one of your contractors)? I noticed one of you has an ex-girlfriend, and this lesbian lover of yours was done, and you used the space station to raid her bank account and steal her money. That's not an "I'm poor" move. It's more like, I'm a "biatch" move. I used to do those things. Now, I don't even feel right using foul language. 

It's not pleasing to my Father. 

How does that look on paper? How many people do you oversee? Are you a "handler" for multiple people? Do you do everyone differently? Or are you all "special" and get just a couple cases at a time so you can focus on your operations with your utmost intention?

Did you make my brother kill that dude? Use some device to make it happen? Y'all sure are dirty ya know? I need you to really lay off for a while. Ya know? Aren't you tired yet? Has the Lord thy GOD not already proven that he is who he is; who is in control of all things and takes mercy on who he takes mercy?

Ah, enough for tonight. Just do me a favor. Know that despite your utterly disgusting, immoral, and hurtful attacks I pray for you cause I know there will come a moment when time stops and eternity begins. Where you're at; you're in danger; you should drink a lot of water. 

                                                                     Hells are pretty hot.

The following video is the book I read that confirmed I'd met satan at the age of 14 four times. You probably have read that post already (and possibly screwed with it).  I can vouch for that darkness, the utter fear, and torment. I'd not wish that on my worse enemy. Did you know it's written; "It will be better for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of Judgement" than for anyone who can operate in such darkness?

May it be well until it ends. I wouldn't do this to anyone for any kind of money. It simply isn't worth it. Cause hell is a real place, and you need not worry, you're on the right highway to reach your destination- unless you repent-.