
Wednesday, March 24

Lesson Learned ***defeat***

I've been defeated for the first time this time and I can admit that just not easily. You see I was charged with telling my testimony of Jesus Christ nearly two years or more ago. Actually, now that I look back on it. It's more like four years or so I've known I was to tell it. After grappling with that for nearly two years I just had to say. 


I'm going to do what I'm told. 

In the process of it all, I ended up with this book that told me it's a "secret vault" and this book was inundated with a "mark" that seemed eerily familiar. Ya know, the kind of "mark" serial killers leave behind. 

That kinda mark.

Oh, I used to want to be a "detective" cause I'm good at problem-solving, have great discernment, and in many ways, I'm just talented. I don't say this to impress you. In fact, I hate saying this at all. It sounds kinda egotistical to me. But, nevermind that. I say it to impress upon you. I couldn't help but dig into it and see if I could uncover anything.

What I uncovered literally tripped me out. I mean it. Minds can only handle so much information ya know? Have you awoken yet to the matrix of lies all around us? The same thing happens in that process. The first stage is denial. 

Well beyond this stage, and completely perplexed about some unanswered questions with this inert urgency from the Holy Spirit to look and see...; Oh, my how do I explain something so profound in so few words? What I uncovered seriously answered so many questions that I wanted to tell the world and in the process I found myself saying "I'm not a teacher" and yet, I'm sharing something so others can learn?

Umm, where is my sanity in it?

Bad idea.

Or was it?

I mean, I must say... Learning doesn't happen overnight and I'm learning (or at least trying) to be a righteous servant. Abba Father, and His son Jesus, who is my brother, my friend, my companion, my husband, and my MASTER. Oh, Teacher! Teach me to live righteously and acceptable in your sight oh Lord. May this prayer go out and return profitable as it declares what the Holy Scriptures say.

I trust him, and he really does guide me, but I'm a mistake maker. In fact, I recently made a huge mistake that could allow for me to be blamed in the sight of the King. This terrify's me. I legit am scared of coming under EL's wrath cause I know him and it's not a good thing.  So when I make a mistake or anything close to one I've got to understand why too. Cause, I'm just analytical like that. It's part of my DNA ya know? The perfect DNA I've got that Gates and his buddies want to change it with some "special protein" kinda DNA. 


That's me. 

Digging, I uncovered lots. In fact, I matched a grid from the cipher to the a e r o s o l injections spotted on the W O R L D V I E W from the locations out produced from breaking down a "code" in essence; was also able to call a series event in Alabama two weekends before it happened. 

There were times I was downright scared from the sort of information I ended up with. One evening I was really close to streams of tears thinking why do I have this? Thank goodness for friends. I talked one of their ears off for a few nights in a row just trying to process everything it was so overwhelming. Then, things started happening to the information I was sharing and interruptions in my broadcasts were also causing trouble. 

Much, heck ALL, of its contents ---if anyone person spent as much time and gained as much understanding as I've now-- is enough information to have me killed. Period. 

Matter of fact, they tried once in 2020. I and Mike were riding to Los Angeles to get another sister of ours. And they had an 18 wheeler car hauler with the back end unplugged so no lights weren't on at 1 or so in the morning parked right in the lane (right lane) we were in. Just sitting there. The back end was down on the tailgate of the hauler. It almost as if they thought we would hit that ramp and flip or something. I caught it in the still of the night. We were approaching that vehicle so fast that I took a breath to shout out to Mike, "LOOK!" When he had seen himself (he was looking at his phone while we were driving). He swerved over to avoid hitting it, and as we passed the truck, I saw a man standing between the cab of the truck and the back-end. So did Mike. 

Hysterically laughing out of complete nervousness. I finally blurt out. Did they just try to murder us? And he replies, "Yes, Look right there is the cop to take the call"...

I probably laughed hysterically for nearly 20 minutes nonstop. 

Another unreal story to add to my list of stories about "attempts on my life". Like how many times will N A S A pay a crew to try and end my life? 

They are a huge part of this cipher. They're over the "s p a c e" program. The one that's used to help keep this system up and running at all costs!

I wanted the world to know. 

Ya know? You ever just wake up and feel so passionate about an idea or something you learned that you felt the whole world could benefit from? 

Obviously, I have or I wouldn't be talking about it. 

Inadvertently my sharing put me in the spotlight to be a teacher in some retrospect. I mean, I've learned there is a fine line and if you cross the line of sharing YOUR personal story then your personal story becomes a "lesson"; right? 

So could this lesson be something for the positive or did I do something else to mess life up even more in the end? Only God knows that answer. I do however know; "All good and bad things are for the Glory of the Lord". 

I like making these connections, and I enjoy the ability to see these people in the light that I do, it's almost as if holding back what I know would somehow be wrong. 

That's simply not the truth. 

Ya know, most people don't like the truth. They'd rather not even associate with it because it may "taint" their name cause there's only one truth and that's Jesus. 

So many of you would disagree with me cause people like Oprah teach "there are many ways to God" and most of the world lives in a state of hypocrisy. I've been told so many various reasons as to why people don't believe this. But, that doesn't change the fact that Jesus totally is the truth, the way back to the Father, and seriously no-one will get to the Father unless they go through him. 

Church lies. media lies, mom and dad lie, and so do you. Quite frankly, we're all born liars straight out of the womb, and the only way to reverse that is to ask Jesus in. If you've done so it's likely you just  "used to be a liar" and the same goes for Mom or Dad ya know? Mom tells ya Santa is coming? Did you know that's an anagram for Satan?

 Oh, the trickery of it all. I wanted others to see this extremely large work for what it truly is. But that takes time and we simply are running out of time. The best thing for any one of us to learn is the WORD OF GOD. After all, what part of Dfmd will be useful?

I've not determined any of it. So, my point? 

I feel defeated. Defeated by my own selfish motivations yet again. However, a good defeat. Like, I've defeated a beast that wants to keep me from attaining what Messiah has ordained. That's a beautiful thing. I just don't want to be taken the "wrong way" and that shouldn't matter; ya know? 

If you didn't know this blog is truly about the GOOD you BAD you that once controlled me. As the word cuts things away from me that shouldn't be here I still find myself stumbling. I share these things cause I'm an extrovert. I can't retain them. And I also hope to help someone. 

Where will I go with this? Idk yet.

I've not fully given up on it all. There's truly a reason all this landed in my lap and that's why I feel defeated because I don't quite know yet. Something is missing in it all and I must take the time to seek instructions, direction, and even reprove from his word before I can make a firm decision.

I do however know that I've told everyone I would be taken a "different path" and approach to things. So, I'm doing just that. Implementing a few things that I can use to share my testimony without crossing the thresholds. I'm not ordained to be a teacher. I'm in fact...

Still learning. 

Much love everyone and May you be blessed with a burning desire to know your Creator through Messiah Yahushua aka Jesus 

ever want to talk my email is