
Friday, January 17

Why is T.S. Elliot related to the crack?

 You're probably perplexed by the title of this post. I will elaborate. June 4, 2024, I was searching for the crack in Wyoming. Bing returned this article:

FOUND: A 2,250-Foot-Long Crack in Wyoming - Atlas Obscura

The numbers match up to some telegraphs I've followed for the last four years. I won't take the time to explain that in this writing. I just want to document this for the sake of my work and have it available to those who are following me (even if they're doing it in secret.)

At the bottom - of the previously linked article above - there's a mention of a T.S. Elliot poem. Well, the work that has me looking into telegraphs from time to time has T.S Elliot as a line item in the cipher.

looking in the cipher for relationships to the world operations is imperative if I want to learn what's being transmitted.

Forest research Forest Research Institute Deemed University Dehradun ( 

(Another post they messed with. It's now missing tons of information 😞)

Thursday, May 2

Big Quake in Cali (part 3)

The first two posts on this matter show us biblical evidence of what GOD said would happen through HIS holy prophets and then we dived into statements of people in the field, while I presented a possibility. 

Could the water from Lake Mead have been shifted to come out of the plate off the coast of California? Well, if they did that. Do you think they would tell us? You'd have to be a bit off your rocker if you think they were going to leave a load of evidence. 

So, what can we find that will allow us to get a proper picture of the possibilities?

Let's explore that. 

Wikipedia goes into detail on what earthquake preparedness is. You can get educated here. (WIKI)

FEMA has more information to get a better understanding of the foundation put in place beginning in the late '70s (the year of my birth; '77). "The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) leads the federal government’s efforts to reduce the fatalities, injuries and property losses caused by earthquakes." (FEMA.GOV

NEHRP is four federal establishments that work together to coordinate and implement their services. These four establishments are:

  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
There are also partners in businesses, trade associations, institutions, universities, local governments, and cities/states.

If you would like to see a map of the earthquake prone area's in the United States.
V Corps has helped in Turkeye, Puerto Rico, and will be ready to help when the BIG ONE hits the US. 

The BIG ONE isn't a game. In fact, I showed you it's scriptural. I also know that others have talked about it for the last decade or two. 

A "future of the United States" map exists. 
This map is found in various different versions. They claim that a guy named Edgar Casey predicted in a prophecy that this is what the USA will look like once it's all said and done. The funny - not so funny - thing that I've found is related to Edgar himself. 

Edgar Casey supposedly was a "man of God" engrossed in helping people. He gave over 14,000 readings and would go into some sleeping trance to come up with special medicines to treat specific ailments. His writings - that he left behind - prove this man wasn't standing on the truth. Much of what he is recorded as saying and doing was un-biblical. This may mean little to you. But to me. This is a BIG DEAL.

In fact, some of his connections make me believe he was paired with the illuminati to help shape the present day narrative. I know. I get it. No way anyone could have such an elaborate plan. Let me challenge that thought process here and now. 

Look at this old scene from a 1992 movie shows the concept of the "BIG ONE" has been around for a couple of decades or more. 

MACLEAN'S posted (in 2018) a publication saying; 
"Once the public face of the U.S. Geological Survey and known to her fellow Californians as “the earthquake lady,” Jones notes the alarm built into the Southern California seismic measurement network is set to go off if no quake is recorded for 12 hours, because that would mean the instruments had failed—SoCal simply doesn’t have 12-hour quake-free periods. In the 25-year history of the network, the recorders have never broken down, and the alarm has never sounded."

She went on to tell us that the San Andreas fault hadn't registered any quakes in the last three centuries. The fault is said to be 'over due' because the fault line has no jagged edges to stop an earthquake from starting at the San Andreas and running down it. The damage is expected to be around 1800 deaths and tens of millions in damage. Fires will be raging from British Columbia on down through Southern California and there won't be enough fire fighters to help stop this. 

When the California quake happens, V Corp and FEMA will rush in to help. 

AGU23 talked about the possibilities of this coming quake and they claim it won't be nearly as bad as they once thought. According to livescience, the AGU23 report concluded;

"In California, a cluster of five precariously balanced rocks that stand just 9.3 miles (15 kilometers) from the fault in northern Los Angeles county hold clues to how strong shaking has been over the last 50,000 years. Using data from these rocks, researchers found that the ground will likely shake up to 65% less aggressively than current official hazard models for the Big One suggest, according to the researchers."

If no quake is going to hit the coast why would all these following operations be put in place?

What Will Really Happen When San Andreas Unleashes the Big One? | Science| Smithsonian Magazine

The Big One: It's not if, but when . . . an earthquake will strike. - Emergency Plan Guide

Is California Ready For The "Big One?" (

Get Ready For The Big One. What You Need To Know | LAist

50 simulations of the ‘Really Big One’ show how a 9.0 Cascadia earthquake could play out | UW News (

Now, I'm not suggesting that California will fall into the ocean. In fact, I do believe that whatever "they" planned to happen. Well... Let's just say it won't happen the way "they" thought it would. And while California may not fall off into the ocean. It's more than feasible that it will happen. 

How do I know? They planned it out. Don showed me. 

And the Dutchsince official Michael Janich proves that it's not mother nature. In fact, it's the global elite with a plan. Watch these videos - IN FULL - to understand what I mean. 



As a closing. There are specifics lined out in Don's directions. I feel they are extremely necessary to share in my next post. This post will be updated with the link (when it is done.) Unfortunately, you can only fit so much into one blog post. 


Saturday, April 13

Journaling efforts; Part 3.5

 As a gentle reminder from the author. You can only fit so much text into a blog post. This is why I'm doing them in bits and pieces on top of my learning. I'm also learning everything I can about this because the financial sector is about to take a deep dive into the worst times humanity has ever seen. God told me "not to worry for a thing; He would care for me and provide for me." I trust Him. This is why I never embarked on learning this stuff four years ago. 

Although, I knew I had my hands on something huge. 

I'm broke. I have nothing. But that's going to change because what I know is valuable. I'm giving you something so huge in these posts. I want you to LEARN what I am trying to share with you. The Great Tribulation will be NO JOKE for any of us. But as a child of the living God. I know that HE provides. This is why I listened to him! 

When I posted my book (without it being exactly the way that I needed and wanted it to be. I'm even scared to read it because of all the sabotage they've done to my writing. It's my word up against my own work! What a horrible conundrum the powers that be have put me in.) I could quit this work (easily). 

It's really hard to keep writing - thinking no one is reading these things and following along - but they want me to quit. So I keep pushing forward to show that my God is an awesome God. The Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is merciful, kind, a good protector, a great guide, and HOLY. He gave me a wealth of information - and I'm giving it to you - if you choose to stop reading these because they're long (or you don't understand them - yet); that's your problem.

I know the trillionaires (who have been sucking money out of our markets for hundreds of years) has this information at their fingertips and I'm giving it to anyone who will listen - 

                                                    FOR FREE.

I know - that I know - that I know what I have been sharing. May God Bless each one of you with the gift of loving HIM more than money. If not, I pray you earn more than you can imagine cause your reward is here and now. The afterlife will bring more than the need for water. You will live eternally separated from your Creator. That's a horror story I wouldn't want to be the main character in. 

Peace and Grace. American Clowns. (that's what THEY call all Americans) ((they being who would have insider trading knowledge. Knowledge on who knocks bridges down. Knowledge on who sets fires. Knowledge on who grabs the kids. Yep, THEM.)) They call us American Clowns.

(hand on face) May God have mercy on us all. 


Monday, February 12

What do I know? two

According to the xlm data. I don't know much. (so far)

xlm is trading at LM =$0.113 

That's only up 5% since the last month. It's now February 12. I don't know. But, I do know that there seems to be bigger problems on the horizon. They're trying to sink the land and open up the Mississippi. Whatever happens from here forward is going to totally be better than the movies! 

Jesus is picking up HIS Bride and if you don't accept the free gift of salvation by turning back to your Father... You're going to perish. So...

Think about it... Will xlm continue to rise? I guess we will see (if the lights don't go out first)

Big quake California (part 3)


This is one of the many future maps of the USA. Let's look at another one for the sake of imagination...

Now, you're probably wondering. Is this possible or just a figment of people's imaginations running wild?

Let me assure you. They planned it out! Using physics models, electromagnetic weaponry, geologists, physicists, archaeologists, and simulations (run by Ai)... A bunch of lying journals with lies about  historical accounts told us that this stuff happened in the past. When the truth is. They planned it out for the future. 

This is why they blew up the Georgia Guidestones...
They knew the damage was already done. So the first goal was well underway. 

I've been telling everyone for the last four years. We have a modern-day Noah. He has been warning us for over 20 years that the end has come. We are now living that out. America is about to be destroyed. Here is a video series to the prophecy. This is one of many. You can visit and type in "Hoover Dam" in the search box and all of them will come up! Oh, and I'm not done sharing the information sets I have. If you would like to keep up dated. Follow the blog to get notifications. Or you can bookmark it. Also, hit the next button - below the video - to continue reading more of what I've got to say on the matter.

What Will Really Happen When San Andreas Unleashes the Big One? | Science| Smithsonian Magazine

Big California Quake? Part 2

 The Smithsonian was strategically placing their best footprints in the sand showing evidence they were aware of the future outcome. Of course. They claim it was only in the movies that such a thing would happen. Although, they did elude to the fact that it is possible because thousands (if not millions ** I never try to remember their lies**) of years ago a similar disaster happened. So obviously it would have to happen again. At least this is what "they" want you to believe.

Let's read an excerpt...

"The moviemakers consulted Thomas Jordan, director of the Southern California Earthquake Center, before they started filming, but “they probably didn’t take much of my advice,” he says. While the actual threats from the Big One are pretty terrifying, they are nowhere near the devastation witnessed by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and his onscreen companions. Even the largest of San Andreas' quakes can’t produce a massive tsunami like the one that swells over San Francisco in the movie. “The really big tsunamis, like the one that hit Japan, are caused by earthquakes that generate a major displacement of the ocean floor,” Jordan says. The San Andreas fault sits far inland, and the land slips past on either side. For that reason, a quake also can’t cause the fault to split apart into a giant chasm as it does in the film. And despite the warnings of distraught movie scientists, even the largest of California's quakes won’t be felt by anything but seismometers on the East Coast."

Since 2015 there have been great scientific findings. 

Like the 'Fault liquid'... 

This comes in AFTER the lake - LAKE MEAD - went empty in 2021 - 2022...

Excerpt from

The team named the hole, which they describe as a hot spring, 'Pythias Oasis' after the ancient Greek oracle who 'prophesized' with the assistance of the mind-altering gases rising from a hot spring. 'It seems equally hallucinatory to find a spring of low-salinity, high-temperature, mineral-rich water flowing from the seafloor 3,280 feet below the surface off the coast of Oregon,' researchers shared in a statement. A robotic diver uncovered the hole in a 2015 survey when sonar images captured bubbles rising from the seafloor. Data showed liquid from the spring was coming from the plate boundary line and appeared warmer than the surrounding area. Co-author Evan Solomon, a UW associate professor of oceanography who studies seafloor geology, said in a statement: 'They explored in that direction and what they saw was not just methane bubbles, but water coming out of the seafloor like a firehose.

Is it possible this fluid they noticed was water from LAKE MEAD? Is it also possible that they were 'lubing' the faults so they could sink California? Have you ever seen the future map of the UNITED STATES? If not, hold tight, we will view all of that and then some! Just click this button to continue the story (yes, these posts can only be so long)...

Lake Mead water shortage: The shocking numbers behind the crisis | CNN

NASA satellite images show how much Lake Mead has receded since 2000 (

Big Quake in Cali? (PART 1)

Growing up there were stories people would tell about California falling into the ocean. At the time, I'd not thought about it in-depth. When I was in my late 20s my sister would always ask me to come out to where she is in California. I laughed and said. "That place is going to fall into the ocean one day." Funny thing (or maybe it's not so funny) I was joking (not realizing just how real it would be in the future)...

That future is now. 

A sister of mine sent me a screenshot last night. Well... It was really around 2 a.m. It was a screenshot of the earthquakes that hit the coast yesterday. Here is a screenshot I just took at 1:54 p.m. on 1/25/2024...

Well, I was wrong. It was 1:52 pm

Anyhow, this map doesn't show the same image as the one sent to me. Here is that one...

As you can see. The earthquakes are large in scope and they're not being shown on tertremo. That could be because Tertremo only covers the last 24 hours. So if it happened 24 hrs and 1 min before they wouldn't be there. 

Anyhow, I've seen enough earthquakes and have enough intel to say they're opening the bottomless pit. There is no one or nothing that could convince me that everything in the bible wasn't perfect and true. And the scriptures are clear. We are in the last days. 

I don't know everything (or much of anything) outside of what's written. 

Read what this says...

13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.

 - Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

I don't know about you and what you think. As for me. I know HE is coming. I've known for years He is coming and sooner than we may think.

So what do we expect?

Let's look deeper into what's written. 

Matthew 24:8

All these are the beginning of birth pains. Birth pangs increase. Earthquakes are a part of the Birth pangs (and if you don't know this you should do a study on it to learn)


And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 

This tells us there is an end to the world! 

We have a modern-day Noah! His name is Jonathan Kleck and he has been warning for 22 plus years now! I've listened to thousands of his videos. All of them do nothing less than honor and glorify the King of Kings - Jesus is Jehovah (the self-existent or eternal Jehovah) and HE is returning. The earthquakes are birthpangs of the New Jerusalem. 

The earth is not undergoing 'climate change'. That's a narrative. Let's look at what's really happening. 


For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

So, from this verse, we know that there is a great tribulation! 


But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

What do we as humans do?


Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. 

Pray that we can escape all these things? What things are coming? And what will it be like to stand before the Son of man? That sounds a bit scary. 

Psalm 46:2-3

Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. SELAH

We shouldn't fear! That's for sure. So there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of. 

“Then the earth shook and quaked, The foundations of heaven were trembling, And were shaken, because He was angry. 
From the Lord of hosts you will be punished with thunder and earthquake and loud noise, With whirlwind and tempest and the flame of a consuming fire.

If you don't know Jesus. You are in danger. Not only do you have to look forward to the wrath of God. You have nothing but a flame of consuming fire to expect, and unfortunately, I know you'd have no hope of being able to stand in it. The fear of God would consume you, send a panic through your body, and your reaction wouldn't be one of faith. With this in mind. The only thing anyone of us can do is; Repent, believe the gospel, and be saved! 


Turn everything upside down to see the truth. It's right in front of your face. It's just inverted. 

OUR MODERN DAY NOAH (friends, get the truth of what this insane life is about. When you do, it makes sense! It absolutely makes sense. Plus, you learn of the greatest love story of all time where you are the main character!)

Don't miss the last call! Repent and be saved! The birth pangs have been increasing and the evidence that a great earthquake has been planned is astounding! 

Click Here to see blogs of evidence -----} (yes, these blog posts can only be so long)

Tuesday, January 16


 I struggle with this. 

Do people listen? 

Do people learn? 

Do people even understand the sheer magnitude of the topics I point out?

I highly doubt it. However, maybe I'm wrong. So, I'm going to see. That's what this post is about. Are you listening? 

Do you know how much time I put into the information sets I put out? If no one is listening I can let it go and stop putting this stuff out and find something else to do. If at least 1 person is listening

There is only one way to find out. This post will not be shared in my social media outlets. The count will show throughout the week. Then, those who are truly paying attention. I'm asking you to email me. I'm listening. That's it. Otherwise, I have a good 80 hours of research to elaborate on that I need to get documented in my journals here. However, they mess with the posts so much that I don't want to waste time. Good stuff. But, yeah. I'm tired of wasting time. 

Here is my email.

Accenture Acquires Six Companies In One Month: Here’s The List | CRN

Thursday, December 28

What do I know? (edited)

This is double posted, cause I can't find the original page I posted it on. Heck, they mess with everything. They even messed with the font on here. (laughing, they can't stop what I'm doing)...

What if some stranger told you they had inside trading knowledge?

What would you say? 

Well, honestly I don't care what you say. If I did I wouldn't produce anything because it's downright crazy (even for me).

But the more I prove - the more that people will listen to me. 

I'm not a real "likable" person cause. I'm pushy, have spent a lot of time learning, and will correct people with no problems (when they're wrong.) I mean, there are a lot of reasons why I don't have a long list of friends who call to check up on me. I could die and people wouldn't know for a few months because, they're just not too fond of me. 


Guess what?

That's okay!! I have one talon and I'm investing it! I want to make that one talon at least two - but 10 or more would be sweet sweet! 

Like, for real. I'm seriously not kidding here. I'm investing that talon in you. 

There is one problem that brought me to do things this way. Strangers don't listen to people others aren't pushing in front of them. I want to change that because it's the end of the world and we have a modern-day Noah. That guy has the biggest news on the planet! God's Word does say, "whoever will not listen to him will be destroyed from among the people."

Yes, I'm positive that Acts 3:23 is talking about Jonathan Kleck. (if you don't know the verse. please, google it and read it)

There are a lot of believers out here leading people astray. They're telling others this guy is of the devil. The problem with that is. They're now going to hell. There is no going back from attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to satan. And this my friends (or foes) bothers the living heck out of me. I don't want to see anyone go down into the pit. Especially because I met satan at 14 four times. It was no fun. In fact, it's the scariest thing I've ever experienced (and I've experienced a lot). 

You may not believe heaven or hell is real. But I would like to change that. If I can give you insider trading information. Would you take the time to learn more about my testimony and how I learned these things? Then consider it (seeing as it would have to prove itself out?) 

If I'm wrong. Chalk me up. 

So, I've already proven to be right a couple of times since December. Let's review that. Shall we?

So, I suggested a certain something - and that something - it went soaring. You can see just how happy the person is! This isn't a joke. 

Now... Why did I suggest it? Well - if you can follow the information - I can teach you. But here's the thing. How much time are you willing to spend learning about something that could change the amount you have coming into your household? Or better, change the way you view the world. The time thing. That's up to you. I spent a week getting this trail - and at least 12 hours today bringing all the important parts together (here) -  for you. It's not a little bit of information. In fact, it's a lot of information.

Mind you. If I am correct about what I disclose herein. You have to know - then - that everything I tell you is true. And this means BIG THINGS. 

So... If I'm wrong? Well.. let's just say there is ZERO risk in the investment! I'm going to give you something people would pay a lot of money for! I mean, the information you're about to receive. You aren't going to be losing anything (if you go with the investment I'm giving you). I know that's for sure. The evidence will speak for itself. (edit: as I research this. I'm realizing I forgot to mention. Everything is always set up and then sent out to broadcast many moons prior. Some cases I've seen 10 day alerts and others I've seen 30 days turn over before it was carried out. So, I'm thinking the beginning of February is when we should see evidence).

So... Enjoy. 

Let's dive head first. I follow hidden secrets in the highest order. They talk strangely amongst one another. They try to be hidden. However, the veil has been taken off (thanks to the prophet Jonathan Kleck giving us a gift the Holy Spirit delivered) and I've been on their trail for quite a while. I tell people the things I find - in hopes - they will search out the important matters that got me to this point. 

I won't go into more details here. I have hundreds of blog posts on a website and a couple other blogs you can look at. For now. Let's keep it simple.

I - in following key terms - went to looking for. 

What will they pump next? (talking about stocks, bonds, currencies) because I already called one previously... Could I do it again?

I was looking for days. So I was in the cipher - looking at the games - because I had the hunch that they would connect me to the knowledge I needed - and I did a lot of homework over the last few days. It wasn't until today (when George Soros was in the newspaper) that I got onto a new trail.  

  • I want you to look at the News that I found on it today - but I'm going to be kind and give you 'the meat' of the point first - that way you should see the solid investment, first. Then we will look at the news itself. So we are going to go at this kind of backward from how I learned. Some little aspects are necessary though. Like,

  • National instruments
  • Network Implementation
  • Neural Network
  • Nex Imporio (gaming clan)

The list above are just a few of the searched key terms from the cipher. 
Nex Imporio (gaming clan) is a web3 platform that's connected to the neural network. I thought. This had to be connected to IBM and IBM recently introduced new software. That's when a Singapore company came up. This rang a bell. (As I just mentioned, here is the meat and the solid evidence of what I'm going to say and why I wrote this. The explanation to how I got here is below all this information). But - just to put it out here - the Singapore company made the Bells in my head - regarding my studies - go off. I had found something. And that company (which we will get to later) was connected to... 
"Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the humanitarian and development sectors by providing transparency, accountability, and efficiency. The decentralized and trustless ledgers of blockchain can help remove corruption and ensure that funds reach the intended recipients. Blockchain can be used for information management, coordination of aid delivery, management of crowdfunding, tracking supply chain, cash-transfer programming, and boosting humanitarian financing 3. For instance, smart contracts paired with forecast-based financing can help predict and prevent humanitarian crises. However, blockchain technology also has the potential to perpetuate societal problems and add new risks. The use of blockchain technology in the humanitarian sector is still in its early stages, and its utility is a topic of debate 1. Nonetheless, several humanitarian and development organizations are exploring the potential of blockchain technology to increase efficiency, accountability, and transparency."

In summary, blockchain technology can help humanitarian aid by providing transparency, accountability, and efficiency. It can be used for information management, coordination of aid delivery, management of crowdfunding, tracking supply chain, cash-transfer programming, and boosting humanitarian financing. However, the use of blockchain technology in the humanitarian sector is still in its early stages, and its utility is a topic of debate. Needless to say, the aforementioned topics are ever changing and fundamentally part of corporate projections that should be taken into account (when looking into how that can boost the economy).

    Dec 14, 2023, Web3's Biggest strength is borderless community and enterprise building. Forbes says"people are increasingly turning to Web3 for its strength in convening peers from across the globe into like-minded communities focused on achieving specific goals and outcomes, with confidence and trust." Web3 is a term they use to describe the next stage of internet development, which has concepts like decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token based economics. The idea is to create a decentralized online ecosystem based on blockchain that gives power back to the uers in the form of ownership. It can be used to build financial assets, in the form of tokens, into almost anything you do online. It can be used to provide transparency, accountability, and efficiency in all kinds of different sectors. The rulers of this world are working feverishly to push all things into this system of systems. You won't have a business if it's not plugged into this system. 

    From sustainable energy to finance, blockchain can help.  Web3 can be viewed as an extension of blockchain. Blockchain is one of the key components of Web3 that allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. 

    We are going to run through a bunch of information.  

"The partnership comes amid ongoing security and compliance challenges in the Web3 space. (Web3 in crypto) These challenges have grown in parallel with the growing industry – in the past few months alone, increased interoperability between blockchains has attracted a notable rise in high-profile hacks worth hundreds of millions of dollars. By bringing Compass, a behavior-based transaction monitoring and risk reporting solution, to the Stellar network, Merkle Science is also bringing next-generation security to developers and operators building on Stellar. Extending Merkle Science’s coverage to the Stellar network means that companies on Stellar will be able to offer their developers and users an extra layer of assurance against threats like hacks or scams. Compass’ frictionless interface and ease of integration will enable companies building on Stellar to assign, manage, interconnect, and track cases easily — improving their operational efficiency. Merkle Science is bringing a new level of security, transparency, and compliance solutions to the Stellar network. “Merkle Science looks forward to maintaining a long-lasting relationship with SDF and adding value to the Stellar network’s burgeoning growth story. Merkle Science envisions a world powered by blockchain technology and is creating the infrastructure to enable crypto’s safe and healthy growth,” said Ian Lee, Director of Global Partnerships for Merkle Science. "Our mission aligns perfectly with SDF's mission of promoting greater financial inclusion. This integration takes us to the next level of addressing forensic and regulatory challenges within the web3 ecosystem.”

While a compass is used to tell what direction your headed, I guess it's also used to help the Web3. (that's a cheesy joke; stop laughing already.) The NGO (National Geographic Organization) has a section to explain that. Pretty interesting that no one would ever guess there was a hidden meaning to them talking about 'the compass.' However, there is. I bet a lot of those guys will benefit from the upcoming explosion of STELLAR(xlm). 

Let me do a quick rundown on what comes up when searching this term. 

(search is "compass") 12/28/2023 SEC

Robert Reffkin is taking the bird in hand. The Compass CEO is giving up $25 million in performance-based restricted stock unit awards in exchange for a $7 million cash bonus, according to an SEC filing. Reffkin’s base salary for 2024 will be changed to $900,000, up from $400,000 in 2022. His 2023 salary has not been released.

Yahoo, how does a magnetic compass work? They're explaining a compass. 

"Compass Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ: CMPX)’s stock price has dropped by -5.66 in relation to previous closing price of 1.59. Nevertheless, the company has seen a loss of -6.25% in its stock price over the last five trading days. Zacks Investment Research reported 2023-11-14 that The heavy selling pressure might have exhausted for Compass Therapeutics, Inc. (CMPX) as it is technically in oversold territory now. In addition to this technical measure, strong agreement among Wall Street analysts in revising earnings estimates higher indicates that the stock is ripe for a trend reversal." Compass Therapeutics is a business about "understanding of the tumor microenvironment." 

They're developing antibodies into cancer therapies! 

Trying to get their intelligent design into our bloodstream! This is bigger than you can imagine! I will deviate from going into detail here. However, I do have a book on my website thats free to download. It gives more information on this topic and it is packed full of information that's valuable (in the sense of this topic.)

Anyhow, we can see from this last mention 'compass' is related to more than just a directional indicator. This is by design, my friends. And for a reason! The same reason as to why I know what I will share herein.

Techraptor: December 28, 2023, Own a Piece of Golarion With The Pathfinder Wayfinder Compass Kickstarter

"In Golarion, the Pathfinder Society is a league of explorers, adventurers, and archeologists dedicated to uncovering and chronicling lost mysteries and wonders of the ancient world. In other words, it is a society tailor-made for dungeon-crawling player characters. Because of this, the Wayfinder compass is seen both as a useful magic item and as a status symbol. It not only helps adventurers get their bearings but marks them as more than other ambitious, less experienced adventurers. It is with similar reverence that Type 40 is treating this Pathfinder Wayfinder Compass Kickstarter. The Wayfinder being produced is the standard Grand Lodge design, cast in brass and zinc alloy, a removable Aeon Stone, as well as marked with lore-accurate runes and symbols. In addition, Type 40 worked in close consultation with Paizo's Pathfinder team to ensure that the compass produced would be as accurate as possible to the one in the setting. Not to mention it is also a perfectly functional compass." 

(have you read my book or my website?) There's a lot of terms to relate to here. 

"Within six hours of going live, the Pathfinder Wayfinder Compass Kickstarter was fully funded. It currently sits at $56,007, overtaking its initial goal of $30,788. The campaign will conclude on January 16, 2024."

12/28/2023 I bet you are thinking. None of this is related. Oh how wrong you are!

Compass Minerals selects former energy exec as chief accounting officer - Kansas City Business Journal ( "Compass Minerals International's new chief accounting officer has spent time with a pair of area companies" (Jan takes the office?)

12/27/2023 IAEA Adds Four States for the New COMPASS Cycle | IAEA

"Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cameroon and Ghana will participate in the next cycle of the IAEA Comprehensive Capacity-Building Initiative for State systems of accounting for and control of nuclear material (SSACs) and State and Regional Authorities responsible for safeguards implementation (SRAs). The initiative, commonly known as COMPASS, involves partnering with the State to help them strengthen the effectiveness of their SSAC and SRA. Through safeguards, the IAEA verifies that States are honouring their international legal commitments to use nuclear material and technology only for peaceful purposes."

(What a joke!)

December 20, 2023, 

Compass shows safety in first psilocybin trial for PTSD (  "Compass Pathways has reported phase 2 safety data from the first clinical trial of psilocybin in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)."

(Notice how the compass is related to mental issues?)  

December 15, 2023, 

SoftBank Sells Chunk of its Compass Stock ( 
"SoftBank, Compass’ largest investor, sold $42.3 million worth of the residential real estate brokerage’s stock Thursday. The sale accounts for nearly 13 percent of the Compass shares held by SoftBank, which invested over $1 billion in the startup before the brokerage’s IPO in 2021."

December 28, 2023, the Toyota Prius is ahead of the Jeep Compass and they landed in a story about the 10 biggest stories of the week! 10 Biggest News Stories of the Week: Toyota Prius Miles Ahead of Jeep Compass, Ram 1500 |

December 21, 2023, Compass Diversified Receives $75.2 Million Equity Investment | Markets Insider (

WESTPORT, Conn., Dec. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Compass Diversified (NYSE: CODI) (“CODI” or the “Company”), an owner of leading middle market businesses, has completed a private placement of approximately 3.6 million of its common shares to a mutual fund managed by Allspring Global Investments, LLC (“Allspring”) for $21.18 per share, or an aggregate sale price of approximately $75.2 million. The use of proceeds from the sale will be for general corporate purposes."

December 26, 2023, Compass House holds Christmas Day meal for members | Community |

December, 25, 2023, Arkane’s Binary Moral Compass is a Perfect Match for Marvel’s Blade (

Still in the month of December articles:

December 22, 2023, 

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Compass UOL announced a program that offers financial institutions Automated Mainframe Modernization (AMM) while minimizing the risk of updating systems crucial to the financial services industry. AMM is an alternative solution for all cases where the IT executives plan to reduce costs and increase go-to-market speed by taking advantage of modern programming languages, new technological stacks, and the cloud. Compass UOL is one of a few companies with an AWS Financial Services Competency, and the only one to offer customers its own Gen AI proprietary software engineering suite, called AI Cockpit. - "Fintechs used to partner with banks to give their new apps access to all these core mainframe processes," said Alexis Rockenbach, CEO of Compass UOL

I could post plenty more. However, let's stop there. I think the point has been proven. Compass isn't just a device to help us figure out your direction. In fact, it's so diversified there needs to be context given as to what Compass a person is referencing. Is it a car, a corporation, a directional device, and if it's a business, which one? I touch on why this is so in other writings (and knowing that is really helpful.) You should try keeping up with all the notes just to see where it goes. Surely you will, if what I state ends up coming to pass.

Web3 cryptos are new to the ever-growing ecosystem centered around helping you keep your information protected. It's said to put the power of your information back into your hands. There are various Web3 cryptos which leverages blockchain technology to offer decentralized protocols through various cryptocurrency tokens.

Let's move forward:


"Amazon Web Services (AWS) has been stellar support for HiSun Global in its mission to help fintech companies migrate and utilize a cloud-based banking architecture." (HiSun Global Case Study). 

Top Fintech companies 'they' say would be good to "keep in your back pocket." FINTECH companies is a term used to describe new technology being implemented that is used to help companies, business owners, and consumers manage their financial operations, processes, and lives. It is composed of specialized software and algorithms that are used on computers and smartphones. (Investopedia)

Microsoft Bing gives us some great insight that we can use to enhance our understanding of the AWS financial services.

"AWS Financial Services is a set of cloud solutions that help financial institutions optimize operations, accelerate innovation, and deliver personalized experiences to their customers. Stellar is a decentralized network that enables fast and low-cost cross-border payments using digital currencies. AWS and Stellar have a relationship through the AWS Partner Network (APN), which is a global community of partners that leverage AWS to build solutions and services for customers. Stellar is an APN Technology Partner, which means it has demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success with AWS. Stellar also offers its network as a service on the AWS Marketplace, which is a curated digital catalog. Some examples of customers that use Stellar on AWS are IBM, Tempo, and SatoshiPay."

The Microsoft Bing Ai says:

 Financial institutions can benefit from AWS in many ways, such as:
  • Improving security and compliance with robust measures and tools
  • Scaling up or down to meet changing data and customer demands
  • Reducing costs and optimizing resources with flexible pricing and services
  • Innovating new products and services with the latest technologies and partner solutions
  • Leveraging data analytics and machine learning to make informed decisions and personalize customer experiences
  • Enhancing disaster recovery and business continuity with cloud-based backup and recovery
  • Modernizing core banking systems and...
Since Artificial intelligence left us hanging. I asked. Modernizing core banking systems and what? Why did you not finish that statement? 
Here is the response:

Sorry, I did not mean to leave you hanging. I was trying to say that banks can modernize their core banking systems and processes with cloud-native solutions1. Cloud-native solutions are applications that are designed and built to run on the cloud, taking advantage of its scalability, resilience, and agility. By using cloud-native solutions, banks can reduce the complexity and cost of their core banking systems, and improve their performance and innovation.

Some examples of cloud-native solutions for core banking are:
  • Guidance for Building a Core Banking System on AWS: This is a prescriptive architectural diagram and technical content that helps financial institutions build a modern core banking system using native AWS services. It covers aspects such as account management, real-time transactions, data analytics, and disaster recovery. 
  • Core Banking System Modernization: This is a collection of software, SaaS, or managed services from AWS Partners that offer core banking applications based on open APIs. These solutions can help banks replace their legacy systems with more flexible and scalable solutions that can integrate with other AWS services and solutions.
  • Cloud-Enabled Core Banking White Paper: This is a white paper from FIS, an AWS Partner, that explains the benefits and challenges of migrating the bank’s core to a cloud provider. It also provides a roadmap and best practices for cloud-enabled core banking transformation.
  • AWS Selected to Power Our Strategic Banking Systems and Workloads: This is a press release from Standard Chartered Bank, a customer of AWS, that announces its decision to use AWS as its long-term strategic cloud provider. It showcases how the bank uses AWS to power its core banking applications, such as SC Pay and eBBS, which are cloud-native services that use Amazon Aurora, a cloud-native relational database.
  • NAB to move some core banking systems to Amazon’s cloud: This is a news article that reports on the National Australia Bank’s (NAB) plan to move more than 300 applications, including some core banking systems, to AWS by the end of 2023. It highlights how NAB aims to exploit the computing, tooling, and operations power of AWS to improve its agility and customer experience.
  • I hope this clarifies what I meant by modernizing core banking systems and processes with cloud-native solutions. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. 😊

    Interesting response. Right? Like it has a personality. I will digress on my thoughts that have to do with why. We will stick to the topic.