The world demands that we earn a living. It doesn’t matter how we do it; what matters is that we do it. Some work in restaurants, others at grocery stores, and many in corporate America. I’ve been there, too, working in various fields over the years, including one I’m not particularly proud of—stripper.
The money was great. The hours were flexible, and I had more than enough to live on. But I absolutely hated the job. It was just that—a job. And while I could write for days about the experiences and struggles of working in that industry, I’m going to digress for now.
There’s something that seems to resonate in the world of those who feel targeted or manipulated by external forces. Many who claim to be targeted talk about trafficking, and some even feel they’re being trafficked in some form, whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional. I can’t say I understand their perspective fully, but I know that there’s something to their experiences.
Trafficking isn’t a new concept for me. When you’re in the industry I was in, you start to see things that you wouldn’t if you weren’t. You hear whispers, you notice the signs. You learn more about the darker sides of society, the black markets, the people pulling the strings. But even without that experience, I still know what it’s like to feel targeted. To feel like there’s something happening to me, something I can’t always explain or control.
Let me tell you about a moment that has haunted me ever since. It was around 2015-2016, and I was living in Rockford, IL, with my dad and uncle. One morning, I woke up with a feeling that something was wrong. At first, I chalked it up to a bad dream, but when I took my first breath that day, it was different. My breath didn’t fill my lungs all the way. I felt like it was being stolen from me. And then there was the sharp pain in my back. At the time, I thought, “What a wild dream.” But months later, a memory resurfaced. I realized I wasn’t dreaming. I had been fighting something far more real than my mind could have conjured.
I was kidnapped.
I was taken from the second floor of the house I was staying in at night, and
when I woke up the following day, the world felt different. I felt drugged and I was injured, with wounds to prove it. It wasn't until months later I remembered fighting doctors
in white coats, but why? What did they want with me? What was happening
around me? I didn’t know then, and I still don’t know fully why now. But I
can tell you this—what I’ve learned since then is more than detrimental to an elite group of people in the shadow government. I know dark agents, their agenda, and how they operate. And I aim to use it against them to bring awareness to those searching for the answers.
It’s a dark road. One that comes with knowledge that has cost people their lives. The things I’ve come to understand about mind control, manipulation, and even neural network intrusions—it’s enough to make a person question their very existence. But that’s not even the half of it. What I want to focus on today is the real struggle that comes with being a target of unseen forces.
The Struggles of Targeted Individuals
Most people can’t even begin to understand the challenges that individuals like me face on a daily basis. Those who are targeted with technologies like microwave weapons, voice-to-skull (V2K), or neural network manipulation face a constant barrage of psychological and physical distress. They can’t trust their own bodies or minds anymore, and that kind of instability can break a person down.
Health Struggles: Constant exposure to these technologies can cause headaches, intense pain, and even burns from microwave radiation. Cognitive issues like memory problems, anxiety, and paranoia are also common. This isn’t just a mental health issue—it’s a physical assault on the body and mind.
Being Stigmatized: As a targeted individual, I’ve faced the stigma of being disbelieved. People call me crazy, dismissing my experiences as delusions or a figment of my imagination. But I know the truth. The knowledge I’ve gained about how these technologies work has made me more aware of the manipulation happening around me.
Isolation and Confusion: I’ve learned that many people are too brain-dead or under mind control to even function properly, leaving them mentally incapacitated and confused. Society, in general, is suffering from a collective lack of awareness, and those of us who see through the veil often feel isolated.
It’s not just about being targeted—it’s about a broader system of control, of societal manipulation, that leaves most people too numb to notice. Many of us who feel targeted know this isn’t just random; it’s systemic. The world is constructed in such a way that individuals like me are easy to control, easy to manipulate. It’s a harsh reality to face, but one that I’ve had to come to terms with over the years.
Finding Strength in Faith
Through all the darkness and struggle, one thing has kept me going: my faith in Jesus. I trust in Him. I use His words as my shield, guide, and weapon for self-defense. As long as I hold onto Him, I know that everything will be okay, because I’ve experienced His supernatural protection time and time again. They’ve tried to kill me, but I’ve escaped unscathed, and it’s been nothing short of miraculous.
He gave us promises, and I know without a doubt that He will not break them. His word is true, and His protection is real. So, if you’re out there, facing these unseen forces, I encourage you to turn to Him as your shield. Use His words to fight back, to protect your soul. This battle isn’t just about physical survival; it’s about protecting your spirit, your light, from the enemy that seeks to steal it.
The enemy wants to make us angry, hateful, and bitter, to break us down and turn us against ourselves and each other. But we cannot let them steal our light. Don’t let this system of control corrupt your soul. Stand strong in your faith, and let the love of Christ guide you. His power is greater than anything the enemy can throw your way.
For those who are being targeted with harmful signals and waves, it’s crucial to start identifying where they’re coming from. These signals are part of the invisible attack, and documenting them can be an essential part of defending yourself. One tool that can help you identify these harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and extremely low frequencies (ELFs) is the Safe and Sound Classic III from Safe Living Technologies. This device helps you detect harmful signals in your environment, giving you the ability to gather evidence and build a case for your protection.
By using tools like the Safe and Sound Classic III, you can start to map out the sources of these harmful frequencies, document them, and have proof to back up your experiences. This evidence can be invaluable in proving the harmful effects of these technologies and help you take steps toward reclaiming your health and autonomy.
I may not have all the answers, but I know this: being targeted
doesn’t mean being defeated. It’s a struggle, yes. But it’s also a
journey—a journey of discovery and resilience. And if you’re out there,
feeling like you’re being watched, controlled, or manipulated, know that
you’re not alone. We’re all fighting something in this world. For me,
it’s the fight for autonomy. And I won’t stop until I've helped others
regain control of theirs.
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