
Monday, February 12

Big quake California (part 3)


This is one of the many future maps of the USA. Let's look at another one for the sake of imagination...

Now, you're probably wondering. Is this possible or just a figment of people's imaginations running wild?

Let me assure you. They planned it out! Using physics models, electromagnetic weaponry, geologists, physicists, archaeologists, and simulations (run by Ai)... A bunch of lying journals with lies about  historical accounts told us that this stuff happened in the past. When the truth is. They planned it out for the future. 

This is why they blew up the Georgia Guidestones...
They knew the damage was already done. So the first goal was well underway. 

I've been telling everyone for the last four years. We have a modern-day Noah. He has been warning us for over 20 years that the end has come. We are now living that out. America is about to be destroyed. Here is a video series to the prophecy. This is one of many. You can visit and type in "Hoover Dam" in the search box and all of them will come up! Oh, and I'm not done sharing the information sets I have. If you would like to keep up dated. Follow the blog to get notifications. Or you can bookmark it. Also, hit the next button - below the video - to continue reading more of what I've got to say on the matter.

What Will Really Happen When San Andreas Unleashes the Big One? | Science| Smithsonian Magazine