Since all of it ties together let me first talk about what Wiki-leaks was really about;
Remember little Madeleine McCann? It was said years ago there's a conspiracy that three
s e n a t o r s had some connection to her disappearance, and I say, this is no conspiracy but, rather the truth. The case against them was good enough to prosecute and lock them away for some time from my perspective for many good reasons (one is the brother was an already known convicted pedophile) and the others aren't really important to making my point in this post but you can find some of the information in the links that are attached at the bottom (or in the linked words). When the full story was broken, and then uploaded to youtube (a place where many stories were broken and is now being "flushed" -so to speak- for the truth that made it popular in the first place), I thought it was just a matter of time before Hillary and her constituents were severely punished.
According to these conspiracy theorists Clinton's campaign manager Tony P o d e s t a (and or his brother John) got their hands on that little girl and there was so much evidence against them I wonder why they've went unpunished. In essence, both brothers were tied to the case and although that really lead to nowhere (because no-one was ever charged with anything) there's a lot of evidence that Clinton and her political buddies are tied to p e d o ring that's responsible for hundreds of thousands of kids a year who go missing. It, like most stories these days concerning high level officials, has went swept under the rug and even more disturbing to know that most people who broke these stories are now heavily targeted, some have died, and others were paid to do so in order to fulfill the need of coming clean before revamping the entire system with the one world order.
I've listened to a bunch of survivors stories over the last 15 years that were involved in MK Ultra / satanic families who used children for really dark sick things.There was one thing they all seemed to have in common that blew my mind which was a M i l i t a r y presence. A few kids (not associated to one another) spoke of being flown in to the W H I T E H O U S E by plane, and it put me in mind of our leaders back then but, I shrugged that off when I thought anyone of these houses in the world -that are white and big- could be what they're referring to. I hated to think any of this could be true at all but, one young lady named H.i.l.l.a.r.y C.l.i.n.t.o.n as being an eastern star high priestess witch and I knew in my heart then that
P I Z Z A GATE was true.
Like most other conspiracy's I'd heard about- when I heard them I did some digging- and found so much evidence against these people aforementioned that my heart sank. What I found was mind destroying, life changing, and ultimately sick as heck! So sick, and packed full of evidence to support it. I cried everyday for almost 3 entire weeks. I cried in my sleep, as I ate, showered, cooked, cleaned, and literally could not stop crying when I realized how true it all was. What makes this worse is during the same time frame I got footage of S a n d y (HOAX) which was an event that proved without a shadow of a doubt it was FAKED/scripted! This case was a really good Hollywood production, and there was so much evidence to support this too that anyone who seen it knows Alex Jones and them are controlled opposition because, they made it the reason he was taken off the air.
Evidence supporting S a n d y H o o k was faked would include the school had been closed a couple of years prior due to some faulty gas pipeline, and then there was the fact it had no services (lunch, food, janitorial) in years.
The little girl and this faked incident are two of many tied to Wiki-leaks and the reason Julian Assange has been all over the news for the last few years. Heck, all of politics and the war on anything is just one big web of lies no matter what angle you try to look at it from. To make my point about this Wiki-leaks connection it was about this time that everything was being leaked that some more bizarre instances happened in and around my life.
Spending practices of alphabet agencies were looked into with a fine toothed comb and it was said to be evidence of "covert operations" that are not only illegal but, done under a "guise" against the very people footing the bill (taxpayers). The buying of cars, houses, and other luxury items during questionable moments like Podesta's whereabouts and purchases of high value items when these crisis scenes were unfolding more than likely provide the clues needed to tie it all together. Ultimately, questionable spending practices of the US government tells us the US government has a track record of being "shady".
Oddly, my testimony can back this (and much more) up. There was a time I was standing face to face with a man whose supposed to be dead from a shooting and this man is very well alive today (photo included of man I seen face to face in 2018). Prior to this meeting on Sepulveda Blvd back in 2018, I'd come to the conclusion that there was more than enough evidence to show events they pass off as truth are in fact staged to steal Americans gun rights but, when I realized who this man was (cause Abba Father showed me) it was clear that my targeting was a plot to make something more happen to me eventually.
There's some frightening and astounding evidence that the
M i l i t a r y i n d u s t r i a l complex has gotten out of control and are being used to target people all over the world. What's even more odd about it all is how the book that I've been deciphering tells us this is exactly what is going on. Events are being staged, and then broadcast-ed as if it were the truth, in order that they can make the American people think and respond in the way they so desire. The American people are absolutely clueless this is going on and many people help these nefarious deeds unfold in more ways than one.
Back when the S a n d y H o o k case was covered the man who uploaded all the evidence on Youtube was uploading videos that depicted helicopters flying over his house closely. He was really nervous, and didn't know what to too, soon after this his his channel was deleted and he was no where to be found again.
I've also posted video's of helicopters flying over me, and then police showing up, just to leave when I jumped up and grabbed my work sign. I knew that they were there for me. This cipher I've been speaking of tells me the police are called the Fraud Squad. I've been set up by the LAPD before for (as they said; which wasn't true) stealing 40$ and a backpack. When the man who tried to shoot me hours before was stopped by a moving vehicle that came out of nowhere I jumped into the LA wash basin and shattered my ankle. This in essence caused them to have to hoist me out of the wash by a lift the fire department had. When I was in the hospital they said, "we will call her next of Kin" but I wasn't dead at all! I was watching the police talk to the man who had the gun out of his window. On the way from the hospital (where they gave me ZERO treatment) I was speaking to the officers about how they could be so corrupt, why they would even do such things cause the people were to trust officers, and one replied "we all gotta make money somehow". So this is just another way I knew there was a large sum of money tied to having me killed. The man was extremely nervous when he was recording these live videos showing them flying around in helicopters and so was I that summer day it happened to me. Saddest part is how I felt like the guy was tripping out and nervous for no reason but, since I have found out for myself what happened there I know without a doubt he ended up MIA because of the covert operations our g o v e r n m e n t is into.
When his channel disappeared, and he later ended up missing, there was a covert group of people also following me around. At times I didn't feel safe in my fathers house any longer. It felt as if people were watching me from all sides.
During the time I was staying in my Fathers and Uncles house they kidnapped me and brought me back. At first I had no memory of what happened to me. It wasn't until months later that I remembered fighting people in white suits. At the time I thought it was me fighting demons in my sleep however, I had defensive wounds all over me and demons can't leave the cuts and bruises. Again, it wasn't until about 3-4 months later that I realized, I was in fact fighting people off. I'm not sure if it was the fact I still had the footage of this event or if it was the connection to C o m e t P i z z a I had gotten hold of but, either way, I ended up with cut brake lines during this same time that Wiki-leaks was divulging all this truth that's been kept secret for so long!
They cut my brake lines and by the grace of God I was able to make it through Chicago with ZERO brakes right at the ending of rush hour. I parked that car without a scratch in my intended destination, and although it was scary as heck, it's apparent now that they can't do anything to me that the Lord God hasn't ordained! I'm supernaturally protected by his angels and he has told me since then to tell my testimony. That's why this blog exists in the first place.
The truth is they were trying to kill me and this wasn't the first time anything weird like this has happened. I sometimes wonder what they may have done to my kids during the times they were doing all these things that people wouldn't listen to me about. Could it be possible that one of my children has been implanted or is currently being stalked and monitored like I was? I would have to say one does show the signs of it already and many people say they do this to family lines. According to this plan, they've been doing these things to any and everyone who has the light of God in them. It's also spoken of in the bible.
It's now my understanding that many American's are being afflicted by these covert operations that in fact are reported world-wide. Many people have died because family won't listen and instead calls them crazy. It's why I left my fathers house, and it's the same issue that caused stress between me and my mother, as well as my extended family now. I knew no-one would believe me. I knew deep in my heart that there was something terribly wrong going on around me just as it had been years before when I decided to first leave Indiana (that's also told about in another part of this blog). Then one day all of my uncles medicine had come up missing and it wasn't me who took his last. I claimed I did because I was the only one in the house. I found out later that someone was also going through his belongings, and he thought it was me but, it wasn't me -I still didn't refute it I claimed I did that too because- At one point I was really sick and injured so I did take a couple of his pills (he had extras) and I felt so guilty about it I told him I'd taken them but, when the others had come up gone I knew they'd been in the house (and did this so to have me back out on the streets again) and by golly that worked. I didn't tell them this and still feel no need to tell them because they (again) wouldn't believe me. I just left and said, "Yeah, I took them" cause, as I've already stated, had I told them the truth they wouldn't have believed me in the first place.
Ted Gunderson and Bill Cooper are two brave men who now lay asleep awaiting the great day of judgement. Both were high up in the political spectrum and told many nefarious acts that the American people should all know about. I believe both were killed by the very same dark entity.
Both wrote books, and did many interviews that woke a lot of people up to covert operations, I so happened to be one of those. Since coming to learn all that I have since these day I've also been speaking out against those who operate under a disquise. Bill Cooper warned about the events surrounding 9.1.1 BEFORE they happened! He knew BEFORE they happened and strangely enough I know what will happen this time. This is one reason why I've been airing my business all over the internet (although the primary reason is because I was told I needed to share my testimony by the Lord God himself). The Lord God (EL) told me tell my testimony, and what I know about this system, when I did so in obedience (believe me I didn't want to) I ended up with that book that showed me what I already knew about the system but, in more detail, and with specifics. So I spent the last year and a half deciphering as much as I could and this book's cryptic vault has so very much creepy information about how the Prince of the Power of the air operates through mankind it's almost unbelievable!!
The books cipher is so descriptive we could use it to see how they use the social scoring systems to determine what kids they will take from families, or what association they use in a given region, city, or state to carry out these nefarious deeds, even if I didn't have the one-time tape needed to break it there's much to learn from it. I know some people may be shaking their heads and thinking to themselves that I've made stories up but, Its not a lie, and it's about time to wake up out of your sleep cause we are now ALL being hunted. As scary as all of this has gotten in times past at some point I realized I can't/won't back down. It's in this plan what our nation faces as a whole and I can't allow each one of you to pass over what is PLANNED for this next 9 one 1 event.
Censorship is so bad anymore.
They control any and all information you get.
The news is LYING to US! THEY HAVE BEEN! Heck, it's legal to use the media for propaganda. We can see the manifestation of this with independent news journalists. You see if one doesn't do what the media is lined up to do they will silence them.
They've tried to take my life numerous times starting in December of 2013, and I've asked law enforcement to help me but, they've not helped at all (I have a post dedicated to how the law enforcement agencies have helped me or really NOT helped me). They get away with the things they do because, most of these people are people you think you can trust but, remember what one cop told me after I asked him why he was gonna allow that guy to kill me "we all gotta make money somehow". The bad part about all of this is the fact that they do what they do ONLY BECAUSE WE THE PEOPLE ALLOW IT! If people stood up to these corporations pushing corporate agenda's our nation wouldn't have been so divided or in such a fix to be in need of "making it great again". My part in all of this is to bring to light all that I know through my testimony of Jesus Christ.
Think about this a moment. Not only did my friends turn on me (or people I considered friends) but, family turned their backs on me and allowed them to make advancements toward doing away with me. How can anyone of us turn our backs on people who are making claims that can be verified with simple searches as to it's ability to exist? How can we allow ourselves to be silent (or even join in) when others are hurting and telling us the cause of it stems from those who are in control?
I said some time back something about getting the truth while it's still possible to find, and since then, I do believe there's not enough time left to find it all out (yes, there's that many lies), and even if we did, we wouldn't find much because the internet is being scrubbed. Point is, we can see corporations like YouTube have opted in to silence the people -like communistic China-and our freedom of speech has been done away with. The amping up of taking down what doesn't fit their agenda started with Alex Jones Infowars. If it weren't then how come one person can post about transgender with a focal point on kids, and another can post about how being gay is a sin, the transgender post remains on Facebook but the other is taken down for violating community rules? Aren't we a country who identifies with being a "christian?" If in a free society we are entitled to say what we wish why then are we now being silenced for standing up for the biblical message or our constitutional rights? Do the satanists get the same treatment? (NOPE THEY DON'T)
Ask yourselves what kind of life are we leaving for our children? After being raised in a society -once considered free- how will the younger generation act when they're under complete control? It's evident to me that minding your business is NOT an option any longer. I know we are at the end of time and the Messiah is going to come back and recompense as it's written; Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. But, how can anyone see what's going on in the world today and refuse to stand up to it for the sake of our children? Isn't it our duty to leave them in the kind of world that's fair and judges upright judgement?
My story of being kidnapped and brought back to the family home, having found out about the P E D O rings through independent journalists, and saying most big events we see on the television are staged may be hard to conceive but ,when it boils down to it's imperative. Each one of us are now being hunted. This isn't a secluded case. As a matter of fact there are tens of thousands of us who are speaking up, out, and against the powers that be in hopes the public will awaken. However, not all of us who are targeted know the truth of it all yet and that's what I do. I speak with the truth because it is found in the perfect written word of the Creator. It doesn't matter what your skin color is, your background, or your social status if your not in the chosen bloodlines your disposable and are being hunted down like sheep to the slaughter.
This is what happens to people who turn a blind eye to corruption. No-one is exempt and everyone will have to answer for their part in all of this. Ask yourself, what is your part? Are you doing anything to expose corruption or are you one of those who believes the world is full of loving people who wants to see everyone do good? We all have something we could be doing to help our neighbor, and gang stalking isn't one way, neither is minding your own business.
For the sake of the unbeliever lets say that I'm crazy and biblical text is a lie (which it's not and I'm not). At the heart of all these lies. K i d s are being ordered off menu's, and the people we trusted are doing blood sacrifices on the alter of Mo-lech, and burning incense to BA' AL, along with destroying people's lives through systematic institutions. They're hunting people like the hunger games, and thousands of stories exist that can verify this to the unbeliever, it's also scriptural.
I would know because I'm heavily targeted and there has been a huge police -and other alphabet agencies- presence throughout the course of my life. I believe I made a list to be targeted because my father was stationed at camp Legeune where he was sprayed and fed agent orange that comes through to the girl offspring through the Y gene. Hence why my niece and second cousin have arm deformities.
Why else would any of this crap exists if there wasn't a clear cut difference in good and evil? Why else would it be necessary to sign your name in blood (like all celebrities do) if there was no God and Satan? And why else would men (supposed to be protecting the community) turn to sick intentions just to make a dollar?
Of course, I get it, I totally understand why one wouldn't believe in a heaven or a hell but, that doesn't change what the truth of it all. You see, I also believe that Julian Assange was a puppet being used to divulge all of the truth they could before they opened up the bottomless pit.
You might be one who says, "this all sounds bizarre and too far fetched", or you may base your assessment of me off the quality of my writing (which sucks) but, your opinion of me doesn't matter God most High does.
They're practice of making people go missing is paramount. What will you do if your loved one was being hunted and stalked by their very own government? Would you be like my family and turn a blind eye? Or would you try your hardest to help stop them from doing any more damage than what was already done to them? You see, if my family wouldn't have shrugged me off, I may have stood a better chance the last ten years.
People! They're coding nefarious plans into everyday areas like the movies, your news, and into music. Why else would this exist if the Creator of the Universe were just some fake imaginative being? What legit reason would these situations occur for? I found out the hard way that not only is the Creator of all things real but, he is a jealous God and one who is commanding all things done in the darkness be brought out into the light. I was targeted and my brake lines were cut. Yet, I'm still here to tell it.
I found myself being protected by the Most High God for no other reason than he wanted to.
I will shout praises to him and keep telling of these dirty deeds so long as he asks me too. In the meantime I am calling people to repentance. From my own family to the people on the internet; They need to repent it's just that simple.
But they won't:
Reference material
Podesta calls 'pizzagate' a conspiracy
Sandy Hook a hoax?
Being targeted changes lives.
How much did Wiki-leaks damage US security?
Remember little Madeleine McCann? It was said years ago there's a conspiracy that three
s e n a t o r s had some connection to her disappearance, and I say, this is no conspiracy but, rather the truth. The case against them was good enough to prosecute and lock them away for some time from my perspective for many good reasons (one is the brother was an already known convicted pedophile) and the others aren't really important to making my point in this post but you can find some of the information in the links that are attached at the bottom (or in the linked words). When the full story was broken, and then uploaded to youtube (a place where many stories were broken and is now being "flushed" -so to speak- for the truth that made it popular in the first place), I thought it was just a matter of time before Hillary and her constituents were severely punished.
According to these conspiracy theorists Clinton's campaign manager Tony P o d e s t a (and or his brother John) got their hands on that little girl and there was so much evidence against them I wonder why they've went unpunished. In essence, both brothers were tied to the case and although that really lead to nowhere (because no-one was ever charged with anything) there's a lot of evidence that Clinton and her political buddies are tied to p e d o ring that's responsible for hundreds of thousands of kids a year who go missing. It, like most stories these days concerning high level officials, has went swept under the rug and even more disturbing to know that most people who broke these stories are now heavily targeted, some have died, and others were paid to do so in order to fulfill the need of coming clean before revamping the entire system with the one world order.
I've listened to a bunch of survivors stories over the last 15 years that were involved in MK Ultra / satanic families who used children for really dark sick things.There was one thing they all seemed to have in common that blew my mind which was a M i l i t a r y presence. A few kids (not associated to one another) spoke of being flown in to the W H I T E H O U S E by plane, and it put me in mind of our leaders back then but, I shrugged that off when I thought anyone of these houses in the world -that are white and big- could be what they're referring to. I hated to think any of this could be true at all but, one young lady named H.i.l.l.a.r.y C.l.i.n.t.o.n as being an eastern star high priestess witch and I knew in my heart then that
P I Z Z A GATE was true.
Like most other conspiracy's I'd heard about- when I heard them I did some digging- and found so much evidence against these people aforementioned that my heart sank. What I found was mind destroying, life changing, and ultimately sick as heck! So sick, and packed full of evidence to support it. I cried everyday for almost 3 entire weeks. I cried in my sleep, as I ate, showered, cooked, cleaned, and literally could not stop crying when I realized how true it all was. What makes this worse is during the same time frame I got footage of S a n d y (HOAX) which was an event that proved without a shadow of a doubt it was FAKED/scripted! This case was a really good Hollywood production, and there was so much evidence to support this too that anyone who seen it knows Alex Jones and them are controlled opposition because, they made it the reason he was taken off the air.
Evidence supporting S a n d y H o o k was faked would include the school had been closed a couple of years prior due to some faulty gas pipeline, and then there was the fact it had no services (lunch, food, janitorial) in years.
The little girl and this faked incident are two of many tied to Wiki-leaks and the reason Julian Assange has been all over the news for the last few years. Heck, all of politics and the war on anything is just one big web of lies no matter what angle you try to look at it from. To make my point about this Wiki-leaks connection it was about this time that everything was being leaked that some more bizarre instances happened in and around my life.
Spending practices of alphabet agencies were looked into with a fine toothed comb and it was said to be evidence of "covert operations" that are not only illegal but, done under a "guise" against the very people footing the bill (taxpayers). The buying of cars, houses, and other luxury items during questionable moments like Podesta's whereabouts and purchases of high value items when these crisis scenes were unfolding more than likely provide the clues needed to tie it all together. Ultimately, questionable spending practices of the US government tells us the US government has a track record of being "shady".

There's some frightening and astounding evidence that the
M i l i t a r y i n d u s t r i a l complex has gotten out of control and are being used to target people all over the world. What's even more odd about it all is how the book that I've been deciphering tells us this is exactly what is going on. Events are being staged, and then broadcast-ed as if it were the truth, in order that they can make the American people think and respond in the way they so desire. The American people are absolutely clueless this is going on and many people help these nefarious deeds unfold in more ways than one.
Back when the S a n d y H o o k case was covered the man who uploaded all the evidence on Youtube was uploading videos that depicted helicopters flying over his house closely. He was really nervous, and didn't know what to too, soon after this his his channel was deleted and he was no where to be found again.
I've also posted video's of helicopters flying over me, and then police showing up, just to leave when I jumped up and grabbed my work sign. I knew that they were there for me. This cipher I've been speaking of tells me the police are called the Fraud Squad. I've been set up by the LAPD before for (as they said; which wasn't true) stealing 40$ and a backpack. When the man who tried to shoot me hours before was stopped by a moving vehicle that came out of nowhere I jumped into the LA wash basin and shattered my ankle. This in essence caused them to have to hoist me out of the wash by a lift the fire department had. When I was in the hospital they said, "we will call her next of Kin" but I wasn't dead at all! I was watching the police talk to the man who had the gun out of his window. On the way from the hospital (where they gave me ZERO treatment) I was speaking to the officers about how they could be so corrupt, why they would even do such things cause the people were to trust officers, and one replied "we all gotta make money somehow". So this is just another way I knew there was a large sum of money tied to having me killed. The man was extremely nervous when he was recording these live videos showing them flying around in helicopters and so was I that summer day it happened to me. Saddest part is how I felt like the guy was tripping out and nervous for no reason but, since I have found out for myself what happened there I know without a doubt he ended up MIA because of the covert operations our g o v e r n m e n t is into.
When his channel disappeared, and he later ended up missing, there was a covert group of people also following me around. At times I didn't feel safe in my fathers house any longer. It felt as if people were watching me from all sides.
During the time I was staying in my Fathers and Uncles house they kidnapped me and brought me back. At first I had no memory of what happened to me. It wasn't until months later that I remembered fighting people in white suits. At the time I thought it was me fighting demons in my sleep however, I had defensive wounds all over me and demons can't leave the cuts and bruises. Again, it wasn't until about 3-4 months later that I realized, I was in fact fighting people off. I'm not sure if it was the fact I still had the footage of this event or if it was the connection to C o m e t P i z z a I had gotten hold of but, either way, I ended up with cut brake lines during this same time that Wiki-leaks was divulging all this truth that's been kept secret for so long!
They cut my brake lines and by the grace of God I was able to make it through Chicago with ZERO brakes right at the ending of rush hour. I parked that car without a scratch in my intended destination, and although it was scary as heck, it's apparent now that they can't do anything to me that the Lord God hasn't ordained! I'm supernaturally protected by his angels and he has told me since then to tell my testimony. That's why this blog exists in the first place.
The truth is they were trying to kill me and this wasn't the first time anything weird like this has happened. I sometimes wonder what they may have done to my kids during the times they were doing all these things that people wouldn't listen to me about. Could it be possible that one of my children has been implanted or is currently being stalked and monitored like I was? I would have to say one does show the signs of it already and many people say they do this to family lines. According to this plan, they've been doing these things to any and everyone who has the light of God in them. It's also spoken of in the bible.
It's now my understanding that many American's are being afflicted by these covert operations that in fact are reported world-wide. Many people have died because family won't listen and instead calls them crazy. It's why I left my fathers house, and it's the same issue that caused stress between me and my mother, as well as my extended family now. I knew no-one would believe me. I knew deep in my heart that there was something terribly wrong going on around me just as it had been years before when I decided to first leave Indiana (that's also told about in another part of this blog). Then one day all of my uncles medicine had come up missing and it wasn't me who took his last. I claimed I did because I was the only one in the house. I found out later that someone was also going through his belongings, and he thought it was me but, it wasn't me -I still didn't refute it I claimed I did that too because- At one point I was really sick and injured so I did take a couple of his pills (he had extras) and I felt so guilty about it I told him I'd taken them but, when the others had come up gone I knew they'd been in the house (and did this so to have me back out on the streets again) and by golly that worked. I didn't tell them this and still feel no need to tell them because they (again) wouldn't believe me. I just left and said, "Yeah, I took them" cause, as I've already stated, had I told them the truth they wouldn't have believed me in the first place.
Ted Gunderson and Bill Cooper are two brave men who now lay asleep awaiting the great day of judgement. Both were high up in the political spectrum and told many nefarious acts that the American people should all know about. I believe both were killed by the very same dark entity.
Both wrote books, and did many interviews that woke a lot of people up to covert operations, I so happened to be one of those. Since coming to learn all that I have since these day I've also been speaking out against those who operate under a disquise. Bill Cooper warned about the events surrounding 9.1.1 BEFORE they happened! He knew BEFORE they happened and strangely enough I know what will happen this time. This is one reason why I've been airing my business all over the internet (although the primary reason is because I was told I needed to share my testimony by the Lord God himself). The Lord God (EL) told me tell my testimony, and what I know about this system, when I did so in obedience (believe me I didn't want to) I ended up with that book that showed me what I already knew about the system but, in more detail, and with specifics. So I spent the last year and a half deciphering as much as I could and this book's cryptic vault has so very much creepy information about how the Prince of the Power of the air operates through mankind it's almost unbelievable!!
The books cipher is so descriptive we could use it to see how they use the social scoring systems to determine what kids they will take from families, or what association they use in a given region, city, or state to carry out these nefarious deeds, even if I didn't have the one-time tape needed to break it there's much to learn from it. I know some people may be shaking their heads and thinking to themselves that I've made stories up but, Its not a lie, and it's about time to wake up out of your sleep cause we are now ALL being hunted. As scary as all of this has gotten in times past at some point I realized I can't/won't back down. It's in this plan what our nation faces as a whole and I can't allow each one of you to pass over what is PLANNED for this next 9 one 1 event.
Censorship is so bad anymore.
They control any and all information you get.
The news is LYING to US! THEY HAVE BEEN! Heck, it's legal to use the media for propaganda. We can see the manifestation of this with independent news journalists. You see if one doesn't do what the media is lined up to do they will silence them.
They've tried to take my life numerous times starting in December of 2013, and I've asked law enforcement to help me but, they've not helped at all (I have a post dedicated to how the law enforcement agencies have helped me or really NOT helped me). They get away with the things they do because, most of these people are people you think you can trust but, remember what one cop told me after I asked him why he was gonna allow that guy to kill me "we all gotta make money somehow". The bad part about all of this is the fact that they do what they do ONLY BECAUSE WE THE PEOPLE ALLOW IT! If people stood up to these corporations pushing corporate agenda's our nation wouldn't have been so divided or in such a fix to be in need of "making it great again". My part in all of this is to bring to light all that I know through my testimony of Jesus Christ.
Think about this a moment. Not only did my friends turn on me (or people I considered friends) but, family turned their backs on me and allowed them to make advancements toward doing away with me. How can anyone of us turn our backs on people who are making claims that can be verified with simple searches as to it's ability to exist? How can we allow ourselves to be silent (or even join in) when others are hurting and telling us the cause of it stems from those who are in control?
I said some time back something about getting the truth while it's still possible to find, and since then, I do believe there's not enough time left to find it all out (yes, there's that many lies), and even if we did, we wouldn't find much because the internet is being scrubbed. Point is, we can see corporations like YouTube have opted in to silence the people -like communistic China-and our freedom of speech has been done away with. The amping up of taking down what doesn't fit their agenda started with Alex Jones Infowars. If it weren't then how come one person can post about transgender with a focal point on kids, and another can post about how being gay is a sin, the transgender post remains on Facebook but the other is taken down for violating community rules? Aren't we a country who identifies with being a "christian?" If in a free society we are entitled to say what we wish why then are we now being silenced for standing up for the biblical message or our constitutional rights? Do the satanists get the same treatment? (NOPE THEY DON'T)
Ask yourselves what kind of life are we leaving for our children? After being raised in a society -once considered free- how will the younger generation act when they're under complete control? It's evident to me that minding your business is NOT an option any longer. I know we are at the end of time and the Messiah is going to come back and recompense as it's written; Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. But, how can anyone see what's going on in the world today and refuse to stand up to it for the sake of our children? Isn't it our duty to leave them in the kind of world that's fair and judges upright judgement?
It's written: Psalm 94:15-17 15Surely judgment will again be righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it. 16Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against the workers of iniquity? 17Unless the LORD had been my helper, I would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence.…
My story of being kidnapped and brought back to the family home, having found out about the P E D O rings through independent journalists, and saying most big events we see on the television are staged may be hard to conceive but ,when it boils down to it's imperative. Each one of us are now being hunted. This isn't a secluded case. As a matter of fact there are tens of thousands of us who are speaking up, out, and against the powers that be in hopes the public will awaken. However, not all of us who are targeted know the truth of it all yet and that's what I do. I speak with the truth because it is found in the perfect written word of the Creator. It doesn't matter what your skin color is, your background, or your social status if your not in the chosen bloodlines your disposable and are being hunted down like sheep to the slaughter.
This is what happens to people who turn a blind eye to corruption. No-one is exempt and everyone will have to answer for their part in all of this. Ask yourself, what is your part? Are you doing anything to expose corruption or are you one of those who believes the world is full of loving people who wants to see everyone do good? We all have something we could be doing to help our neighbor, and gang stalking isn't one way, neither is minding your own business.
For the sake of the unbeliever lets say that I'm crazy and biblical text is a lie (which it's not and I'm not). At the heart of all these lies. K i d s are being ordered off menu's, and the people we trusted are doing blood sacrifices on the alter of Mo-lech, and burning incense to BA' AL, along with destroying people's lives through systematic institutions. They're hunting people like the hunger games, and thousands of stories exist that can verify this to the unbeliever, it's also scriptural.
I would know because I'm heavily targeted and there has been a huge police -and other alphabet agencies- presence throughout the course of my life. I believe I made a list to be targeted because my father was stationed at camp Legeune where he was sprayed and fed agent orange that comes through to the girl offspring through the Y gene. Hence why my niece and second cousin have arm deformities.
Why else would any of this crap exists if there wasn't a clear cut difference in good and evil? Why else would it be necessary to sign your name in blood (like all celebrities do) if there was no God and Satan? And why else would men (supposed to be protecting the community) turn to sick intentions just to make a dollar?
Of course, I get it, I totally understand why one wouldn't believe in a heaven or a hell but, that doesn't change what the truth of it all. You see, I also believe that Julian Assange was a puppet being used to divulge all of the truth they could before they opened up the bottomless pit.
You might be one who says, "this all sounds bizarre and too far fetched", or you may base your assessment of me off the quality of my writing (which sucks) but, your opinion of me doesn't matter God most High does.
They're practice of making people go missing is paramount. What will you do if your loved one was being hunted and stalked by their very own government? Would you be like my family and turn a blind eye? Or would you try your hardest to help stop them from doing any more damage than what was already done to them? You see, if my family wouldn't have shrugged me off, I may have stood a better chance the last ten years.
People! They're coding nefarious plans into everyday areas like the movies, your news, and into music. Why else would this exist if the Creator of the Universe were just some fake imaginative being? What legit reason would these situations occur for? I found out the hard way that not only is the Creator of all things real but, he is a jealous God and one who is commanding all things done in the darkness be brought out into the light. I was targeted and my brake lines were cut. Yet, I'm still here to tell it.
I found myself being protected by the Most High God for no other reason than he wanted to.
I will shout praises to him and keep telling of these dirty deeds so long as he asks me too. In the meantime I am calling people to repentance. From my own family to the people on the internet; They need to repent it's just that simple.
But they won't:
Reference material
Podesta calls 'pizzagate' a conspiracy
Sandy Hook a hoax?
Being targeted changes lives.
How much did Wiki-leaks damage US security?