
Monday, November 16

When you are sick and you have faith in Christ

Health and Jesus (for lack of better term) is a subject matter I know a lot about for many reasons. Mostly due to the fact I've experienced so much regarding health issues being that I almost died at the age of 29-30, was hospitalized, and told I wouldn't make it. Laying in that hospital bed on my 30th birthday was a real eye opener for me. There's more to that story --seeing as when I was a child I told my mother that at 28 I would start preparing for my death at 30--that I won't go into here and now. But, the power of the tongue is something so profound it's necessary to understand it's effects on any one person's life.

Proverbs 18:21 puts it this way: “The tongue has the power of life and death.” The stakes are high. Your words can either speak life, or your words can speak death. Our tongues can build others up, or they can tear them down! They can heal or they can cause sickness.

(((oh how I wish I knew these things long ago. But, praise Jesus every day is a "new" day...)))

I've decided to write today regarding health and how Jesus is our doctor. Because of something he placed on my heart this morning regarding a sister who (he told me) would be experiencing some profound trials over the coming days/weeks to try her faith and bring her down. In that moment I was going to share with her a testimony. But, he placed it on my heart to share that here so others could benefit if it were needed in the future.

Anyone following me over past two years knows I've been telling my testimony of vasts amount of corruption learned of during the days of me being in the wilderness and other profound stories I've endured to fulfill the scripture Rev. 12:11 in my life.

Some time back. I'd written a post about how doctors have never helped me. In fact, as a targeted individual I found out some really dark matters surrounding western medicine/healthcare that many would find disturbing (if not completely made up). I'm not gonna give satan any glory today by going into the many ways he has TRIED to stifle my healing. Instead, I'd like to focus on how the word of God made healing possible.

There was a moment in time that my health was so terribly bad that I'd felt as if I were dying (and it looked like death wasn't far off). There was an infection I'd had for more than a year and every time I went to the doctor they claimed they couldn't find anything. Once during the year prior (when I'd first noticed this infection) I'd went to the doctors say around 4-5 times. The last visit they claimed there was no evidence of an infection. A few days later I was hospitalized with sepsis (which is an infection that's made it into your bloodstream). So, not only did I have an infection. I'd had it so long that it made way into my bloodstream!

How did they "miss" this? There could be a number of reasons. Yet, it's my belief the powers that be (who are in "charge" of my targeting) are good at hacking and they've been able to change my records with no trace. Like my bloodwork. They go in and make my bloodwork look normal. Now I know that many would think this is far fetched, and off the wall, or"simply crazy." So, I'm not even gonna go into how not only this is possible. But, also documented proof exists that they've done such deeds to others. Nope, I'm gonna talk about the lesson I learned to help me prevail against the plans of the enemy that's applicable to any and every situation that will come our way!

One evening I was praying, and really just crying out, about how my health was really bad; me needing him to intercede. To give me a doctor that would help me. This infection was not clearing up. I'd been in / out of the doctors for well over a year. By this time I pretty much felt as if I'd done far too much to be loved by God. But, knowing he is merciful my need to pursue him for resolutions was great. Being led to read the scriptures I came into the story of Asa (2 Chronicles 16:12-13)

"And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign."

At that moment I couldn't help but feel mixed emotions. Asa died because he went to the physicians and NOT the LORD!! This is a very profound statement / revelation. Especially since we are taught when your sick GO TO THE DOCTOR! So, it became very clear that I needed to go to the LORD about my sickness and NOT the doctors. 

But, WAIT!!

I HAD BEEN GOING TO THE LORD! This wasn't something that came up overnight. I'd been going to Abba Father for a long time about my health. What was going on? Did I sin far too much for him to want to help me? After all, the scriptures tell us that Esau wept and cried searching for repentance but couldn't find it (Hebrews 12:17). Was this my condition?

I didn't want to accept that! I didn't want to doubt what scriptures say clearly about Jesus "all who believe in him will not be ashamed" (Romans 10:11) (Isaiah 45:17) ***there's more that say's this***. AND I BELIEVE. I was not about to buy the lie of the enemy. But, how can I heal if he isn't hearing my prayer? Do I have unconfessed sin that I don't remember? So very many questions, and let me tell you, there weren't any clear cut answers. In fact, I spent many days looking for an answer and questioning literally every aspect of my faith. But, during this time I'd been reminded by the spirit of the Lord (that dwells in me) of a teaching Derek Prince shared with me over the years.

The power of proclamation

This is a part of my growth that every Christian in the world should share in understanding because it's the answer to ALL of life's problems. Not just health. It's useful in every aspect of life. Let me explain what I'd learned about the power of proclamation and how it's applied using scripture.

Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Here we can see that the word of God is powerful, sharp, and able to divide the soul and the spirit along with the joints and the marrow. If the word can do this than should it not be able to "cut out" any illness? 

Of course it can!

Psalm 197:20 (NIV), “He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.”

He sent out "HIS WORD". So how can I make this work for myself? After all I believe psalms 91: "10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling."

This sickness had already taken up residence. So, why did I get sick? It was already afflicting me. What had I done to make this happen? This question (or those similar) is very important for any and everyone that's dealing with something in the scriptures like this situation.

Scriptures say "no plague will come nigh thy dwelling". But, this sickness that was plaguing me was already fully operational. Effectively hindering my quality of life. I needed "real" help (a very ignorant thought I'd had at the time). I needed some medicine or something that would clear this up. Heck, where can I find someone to "lay hands on me" to help me by healing me?

Oh, how my mind wondered with all these "questions" and I felt lost to some degree. It was clear that I had no understanding. Cause no man can heal me. No man can lay hands on any man and heal them. In fact, I've prayed for people and they healed. I didn't heal them. I'd had nothing to do with the healing outside of me asking him to do it and believing he would. Going to a mere man to ask for help was starting to begin to look like I had no faith. Oh, but how I wanted to touch the hem of Jesus garment. 

Geeze, my health was compromised and now my faith is in question? Yep, perfect stomping grounds for the devil! But, my prayers were prevailing. God was speaking to me (as it's written my sheep hear my voice and they listen). He was telling me to educate myself on this topic. Of course, I kept searching the scriptures.

There are 21 bible verses (that I know of) talking about healing. 

Mark 9:23

            Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

Clearly we're told here, if we can believe it it can happen. I believed I could be healed just like I believe that Lazarus was raised from the dead!

James 5:14-15

           Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

I don't belong to a building church any longer. In fact, I feel most of the churches are living in a state of apostasy. In Revelations it appears this is truth according to the letters written to the churches. But, I'm a member of the Church of Christ (those who believe in Christ and try to live like him) and I do follow the revelations given to the Prophet of the Most High through Jonathan Kleck who is the angel of the church of Philadelphia. After I'd went to an event held in grand junction -he hosted back in July of 2019- we started coming together to pray and read the scriptures nightly. This has been my church family. I went to them for prayer. I asked for intercession from them. They prayed with me and for me. I believe they still pray for me till this day (as I do them).

I made a firm decision to apply the word. If the scripture says "by his stripes I am healed" then by his stripes I am healed right? I mean, what is faith? What can we measure our faith against? Can we say that becoming sick is a measure of our faith? Is it possible that I got sick because I lacked faith and didn't really understand / believe the written word?

No, No, No, we can't say that cause I do believe the written word. I see it as literal. Many believe it's metaphorical. But, I know it's not metaphorical! The Lord God did part the Red Sea by Moses striking the rock. 

However, we can say faith played a vital part and understanding the fundamentals of biblical understanding is imperative for the believer. 

What do I mean? And what do I know as having happened?
I can now say with confidence it was a combination of things. One primary reason did have to do with my faith. My faith wasn't "strong enough" for lack of better term. There was something lacking in my faith that needed refined by reading his word, and it was associated to his word, cause he wanted me to USE the word. The bible says we will be judged by our words and by his words. There are many references to how powerful the words out of our mouth are. They're so powerful that we will be judged by "every idle word" we've ever spoken. 

Another issue revealed to me regarding this. We in the faith are faced with what's known biblically as "fiery trials" and none of us are going to "skip" this aspect of our journey. These trials are something that comes in many forms so as to "test" us. Everyone's experiences of fiery trials are different than the next persons. Meaning everyone who gives their life to Christ will be faced with trials. As satan is an accuser and he runs to and fro seeking whom he may devour and he does this in EVERY situation we experience DAILY! There are many situations in life that come up and we as believers don't handle them the way Jesus would. Instead, we rely on our own understanding. Jesus himself was faced with trials. When he went to fast the devil came to him and tried him three different times. What's interesting to know is how Jesus handled those situations. He used the WORD and the WORD alone. He didn't summons the angels, or speak his own, he used the words of his Father in heaven. Nothing more. Nothing less.

How profound.

Not sure I'm making sense. But, I pray a blessing over this writing so that it helps someone along the way. 

We are told to lay down our lives, pick up the cross, and follow him (Matthew 16). In doing this I've found myself desiring to live like Jesus did and Jesus clearly used the word of God when face to face with Satan himself. So why would we not do the same?

In this particular case of one of my many sicknesses. My sickness was of the devil (I'm not saying all sickness is the devil either. But, there's something to be learned in this for everyone). There's so much to say about this subject matter. However, for the sake of making the point I set out to make in this I'm just stick to saying this. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Acknowledge God in all you do and he will make your path's straight. 

How can we apply this? What do I mean? How is this relevant?
By using his word. 

The scriptures tell us he heals. It tells us that if we can believe it it will be done. By faith we're healed? Did not Jesus say, “Daughter,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you?" Mark 5:34 Through faith we are saved by grace. So faith alone moves mountains. Yet, it wasn't faith that saved us. Faith alone can't cure, and take care of anything life throws at us if we are bound by sin (hidden or unknown), or unbelief, or experiencing a "fiery trial". I've found even the smallest of things are not so small to the Most High. In fact, he wants us to live like he did and many too many professing christians have little to no understanding in this matter. 

Let me use an example. 

The church tells us that we should love everyone. Accept everyone no matter the sin they're in. Now-a-days they say gays can even hold a pastoral position. But, this is a huge sin and so against the Most High it's unreal to think anyone who reads the bible can believe this is so! An abomination against the Most High God should NOT be acceptable in ANY church that claims to follow Jesus. There's this saying, "Love the sinner, hate the sin" that many church goers use when your reproving and rebuking with all exhortation anyone who needs it. They claim it's hate speech when you say something outing the sin a person is in. In fact, in Scotland right now -as I type this- they're pushing for the bible to be banned because it's hate speech. This quote/saying is NOT written in the bible ANYWHERE. So saying this is NOT of God cause he NEVER said it! 

There's lots to be said to those who add / take away from the word of God. But, the word tells us what we need to know. 

There's a man who claims to be a teacher of Christ's words on TIKTOK whose been saying that Jesus accepts the gay person as they are and because he loves so much he will accept them anyway into heaven. The bible clearly says he died for us while we were yet in our sin. But, it also says that if we die in that condition and not a "new creation" we will end up in hell.  

I posted a video saying this man was wrong, and teaching lies, and that anyone who dies living in that sin will go to hell. Boy, that brought all devils out. They've been attacking me since. Ya want to know who says the most against it? People who claim Christ! They say Christ would never say such a thing. 

I can't  help but want to cry at their ignorance. This teaching is leading people to hellfire (matthew 23:15). The book of Leviticus (20:13) tells us very clearly a man sleeping with a man is an abomination. So, Jesus DID SAY IT. And I'm just a servant who chooses to speak the words he speaks. 

To sum this up allow me to elaborate on what I've been saying. 

Revisiting; When I was sick, I needed help, I asked God; God showed me what his word said about it. My own teachings are completely different than what the word says. We ALL were raised under a stack of lies! Our whole life is a lie! It made understanding this so very hard. But, not impossible! I trust God. I listen to all things he puts in my path to understand what the Lord wants me to know, be aware of, or learn. This particular sickness existed to show me I needed to learn how to apply the word to my life in any and every situation. The sickness I dealt with for so very long is now GONE!

How did I get it to go away? I didn't the word of God did. I just applied it. I woke in the morning saying (many things in my proclamations) that included "by his stripes I am healed". Believing that reading scriptures was health to my bones and marrow (as it's written Proverbs 3:8 KJV: It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones). And I stated outloud that I believed this. I said, I believe reading your words is health to my body. So, I read the word like medicine. May it do as it said and heal me.

Guess what? The word did what it says it will do. You see you can treat God as the just and righteous God he is. His word says something and you need it done? Proclaim it! This is applicable to ANY situation! Example: By your stripes I'm healed. You say... Your word says ***this*** and it will come to pass.You see I've been hunted (like all believers are; it's written they're like sheep being led to the slaughter) and yet the word tells us that he will hide those who make him their habitation in his wings and secret pavilion. Well, unless I ask and believe I can't receive it. But, when I see the enemy I say, "your word says***what the word says*** and I believe that word. 

So let's look at one very off the wall topic we can apply this method to. Let's say a loved one dies. We grieve for them right? Well, let's say grieving for them is a man-made theology / notion that we shouldn't do. What would you think, I'm heartless/an idiot? Let's see what the word says. 

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

Jesus said it through the prophets. Sorrow NOT! With faith in Christ you know that all things will be ok. By not grieving the way we are taught to do one is simply walking out their faith. You understanding?  You see it says sorrow not for those who are sleep (this means what we call dead) and it goes onto say EVEN AS OTHERS WHICH HAVE NO HOPE. So people who have no hope are grieving and wollaring in their loss because they have NO HOPE! Jesus is our hope. Look, I'm not saying someone dies don't shed a tear. I'm saying understand they're sleeping and their soul is in good care unless they died in their sin. But, if this be the case, then the only thing we should consider is did we do enough to encourage them to turn from their sin?

Sure hope your getting my point. 

You see, we are taught man-made theologies. Your sick? It must be hereditary. You must've been around someone sick. You aren't washing your hands. These are all man-made understandings. We get sick so we can learn/grow ultimately. Or maybe even to test our faith (remember Job)? We get sick so we can learn to call on Jesus and him alone. We get sick because we are bound by sin. We get sick because we lack faith. We get sick because we are being tested in our faith. 

To clarify. I got sick for a number of reasons. I dealt with it for so long for a number of other reasons. When I started reading the word like medicine not only was I increasing my faith, it was discerning my thoughts and the intentions of my heart, and it was healing me. All while dividing my spirit from my soul.

Any one of you may get sick just to hear something he has been trying to tell you. Others may get sick to test your faith (like Job). It's not set in stone why someone gets sick. However, the word of God and what it says is like silver tried in a fire seven times and is useful for instruction, correction, and reproof. 

If someone dies and your hurting. Go to the Lord who heals the brokenhearted and live in peace with it. If your heavily targeted-- like I am-- read his word and proclaim it for protection. If your sick proclaim his word for healing. 

AND IN ALL THINGS seek YE the LORD while he still may be found. Whatever it is your dealing with the word of God is the answer. PERIOD! Man DID NOT write the bible. It's written by the Most High through the Prophets (who were not Holy only Jesus who lived in them was Holy). 

And I will finish this to say.... Most churches aren't teaching the word of God right. They're teaching man-made precepts. And their fear of God is from these man made precepts. The bible says you need not man to teach you for the Holy Spirit will teach you all things. Instead of only reading the word the way man has taught us to. It's wise to learn what the Most High said through the Prophets in it's perfection. I mean the bride of Christ is about to leave planet earth and if we aren't made ready to leave we will be here to endure the great tribulation. Don't let the devil deceive you cause ultimately that's his main goal. To steal your faith and kill your soul. 

Listen to what the Lord is saying to you. Your conscience is what testify's to you. And ask him those piercing questions we ALL need to ask in hopes that whatever your currently enduring works for your edification in Christ to do the full will of the Lord thy God.

Reference scriptures:

Psalm 91

2 Timothy 4:2-5 Psalm 12:6 “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”

2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight

John 12:48 “He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.