
Monday, March 29

Ezekiel "fire in the south" Prophecy being fulfilled part 1

My people perish for a lack of knowledge

Hosea 4:1  

The world is in utter chaos. Wars, famines, pestilence, and a strong delusion plague the nations, and there are still those who don't believe the word of God. 

As always, I'm trying to show people that they're wrong. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to add two plus two (or does it)? 

The Lord thy God spoke to the Prophet Ezekiel and said;

“Son of man set your face toward the south; preach against the south and prophesy against the forest land, the South Ezekiel 20:46

And here we have these kinds of events' unfolding daily; (posts such as this are made often; just hit the follow to keep updated)


  • 2020 Anguilla fire still burning: In a news release Tuesday, the V.I. Waste Management Authority said St. Croix’s Anguilla Landfill would remain closed to the public through Thursday due to the fire.
  • May 19, 2020; 11th Fire in 12 months Sparks up at Anguilla Landfill


  • "Fires burning in the Atlas Mountains on the northern coast of Algeria turned deadly in late August 2007. Several people were killed by forest fires that were driven rapidly across the landscape by sirocco winds (hot dry winds that blow from Africa’s interior deserts toward the Mediterranean). According to news reports, thousands of soldiers were deployed to help battle the fires. Cooler weather and firefighting efforts brought many fires under control by August 31."
  • November 2020; ALGERIA 
  • Several wildfires in northern Algeria have caused damage and killed at least two people as of Saturday, November 7. Fires have been reported in ten out of 58 provinces in the country, with the largest burning near the coastal city of Tipaza, where the two fatalities were reported. Authorities in Tipaza province had already announced 2020 to be the worst year for wildfires since 2010 in September, with nearly 900 hectares (2200 acres) of forest or farmland destroyed. Officials have stated that an additional 50 firefighters had been deployed from Algiers to fight the fire which has been burning for two days.

November 2020 ALGERIA 


  • "Fires burning in the Atlas Mountains on the northern coast of Algeria turned deadly in late August 2007. Several people were killed by forest fires that were driven rapidly across the landscape by sirocco winds (hot dry winds that blow from Africa’s interior deserts toward the Mediterranean). According to news reports, thousands of soldiers were deployed to help battle the fires. Cooler weather and firefighting efforts brought many fires under control by August 31."

    November 2020; ALGERIA 

    Several wildfires in northern Algeria have caused damage and killed at least two people as of Saturday, November 7. Fires have been reported in ten out of 58 provinces in the country, with the largest burning near the coastal city of Tipaza, where the two fatalities were reported. Authorities in Tipaza province had already announced 2020 to be the worst year for wildfires since 2010 in September, with nearly 900 hectares (2200 acres) of forest or farmland destroyed. Officials have stated that an additional 50 firefighters had been deployed from Algiers to fight the fire which has been burning for two days.

    November 2020 ALGERIA 

    ALGIERS: Algeria’s president on Sunday ordered an “immediate” investigation into forest fires that have ravaged thousands of hectares across the country in recent days, his office said.

    ALGIERS, July 28 (Xinhua) -- The Algerian authorities announced on Sunday that 6,000 hectares of forests have been destroyed in 923 reported fires since June, state-run Algeria Radio reported


Racecar driver

"It was like a scene from an action movie, except totally unscripted and genuinely life-threatening, involving a stunning escape that Harry Houdini would have struggled to match"

April 7, 2014 (strange article considering the prior article with a race car driver fire) 

MANAMA // Bahrain’s ministry of interior says a car caught on fire in a popular tourist area of the capital, Manama, because of explosives that had been packed inside

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Fires Deaths in Bahrain reached 8 or 0.32% of total deaths. The age-adjusted Death Rate is 0.72 per 100,000 population ranks Bahrain #136 in the world.

Jan 11, 2013;

Bahrain fire at workers' housing kills 13

Comoros---Deforestation; What is deforestation? Click here

"In 2010, Comoros had 132kha of tree cover, extending over 79% of its land area. In 2019, it lost 280ha of tree cover, equivalent to 110kt of CO₂ of emissions. From 2002 to 2019, Comoros lost 378ha of humid primary forest, making up 7.1% of its total tree cover loss in the same time period. The total area of humid primary forest in Comoros decreased by 1.6% in this time period. In Comoros, the peak fire season typically begins in mid-July and lasts around 14 weeks. There were 5 VIIRS fire alerts reported between the 27th of January 2020 & the 18th of January 2021 considering high confidence alerts only. Between the 25th of January 2020 and 23rd of January 2021 Comoros experienced a total of 97 VIIRS fire alerts."


"As of Friday, July 28, fierce fires have reportedly hit the capital Djibouti and its surrounding area for several days. The fires have caused significant infrastructural damages; at least 200 homes have been destroyed, leaving hundreds of families homeless."

"According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Fires Deaths in Djibouti reached 54 or 0.83% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 7.42 per 100,000 of the population ranks Djibouti #11 in the world."  

ANGOLA The severity of fires in the Amazon has prompted a global outcry. The data said there were 6,902 fires in Angola and 3,395 fires in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, compared with just 2,127 fires in Brazil. ...Aug 26, 2019

ANGOLA earth observatory: Several areas of the world have been experiencing more dramatic fire seasons in 2019 than usual. Intense wildfires have lingered near the Arctic for much of this summer, spewing large amounts of smoke and aerosols into the atmosphere. In August, the Brazilian Amazon experienced its most active fire season since 2010. But in some regions, fire season is right on par with past years.

August 23, 2019 Satellite data show 6,902 blazes in Angola in the past 48 hours Congo has over 3,000 fires, Brazil scorched by more than 2,000. More detailed information in the linked article paragraph below. 
Fire experts, however, are cautioning against comparing the situations in Africa and South America too closely. While the fires are racing through environmentally critical rain forests in Brazil and Bolivia, in Central Africa, they are incinerating savanna and scrubbier land, and mostly licking at the edges of the rainforest, said Lauren Williams, a forest expert with Global Forest Watch who is based in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo’s capital.
June 26, 2020, Agricultural fires in central Africa light up in Suomi NPP satellite image.


Burkina Faso


  • "Wildfires have been raging in central and northern Argentina for months where more than 400,000 hectares (988,422 acres), comparable in size to more than 560,000 soccer fields, have burned to date". Oct 16, 2020
  • Cordoba wildfires 
  • A raging fire described as “completely out of control” "is threatening one of South America’s major wetland ecosystems. The fire has been burning for months now and is visible from the balconies of luxury apartments along the shoreline of the ParanĂ¡ River in Argentina’s central city of Rosario."
  • "Amid a record year for fires across South America, "two blazes have spiraled out of control in Argentina, scorching a state park in the northeastern province of Corrientes. Within the park, an ecological field station that has carried out long-term primate research for decades narrowly escaped the flames, but roughly half of the park’s resident howler monkeys have likely died."


In Brazil, the fires are no accident. They are being deliberately set by farmers and land grabbers to expand the land used for cattle ranching and industrial agriculture production, and are part of a practice that is made even worse by Bolsonaro’s anti-environmental agenda. Indigenous Peoples are most at risk, as their homes, livelihoods and health are threatened by the fires.

2020 Anguilla fire still burning: In a news release Tuesday, the V.I. Waste Management Authority said St. Croix’s Anguilla Landfill would remain closed to the public through Thursday due to the fire.

Ezekiel 20:46-48

6“Son of man, set your face toward the south, preach against it, and prophesy against the forest of the Negev. 47 Say to the forest of the Negev: Hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Lord GOD says: I am about to ignite in you a fire, and it will devour all your trees, both green and dry. The blazing flame will not be quenched, and by it every face from south to north will be scorched. 48Then all people will see that I, the LORD, have kindled it; it will not be quenched.”

May 19, 2020; 11th Fire in 12 months Sparks up at Anguilla Landfill

June 202013th Fire in a Year Shuts STX Landfill Thursday

Authors Note:

These events aren't even all of them and they're continuously unfolding. Explosions at oil fields, underground, and fires for various reasons all to fulfill the very breath of God. He became flesh and dwelt among us so that YOU may have everlasting life. Blameless he lived so that through him you could come back home. This place is a "pit-stop" and the end is quickly coming to pass. These posts aren't about "climate-change". They're about the end of being fulfilled. 

I post these sorts of posts often. If you would like to keep getting these updates. Put your information into the "follow me" box off to the right (if on desktop) of the page. 

Also, these locations are a part of D.f.m.d's encrypted grid. What are the odds of that? Might I add? This isn't a third of the locations. Look for my upcoming post entitled "Follow the Fires" Part 2 for further information on this prophetic event unfolding that the Prophet Jonathan Kleck has been warning about for 18 plus years.