
Wednesday, July 14

Jonathan Kleck is NOT a false prophet and here's how I KNOW WHY

Because of the targeting, I endure. I've had to come back and fix this post numerous times. It's more than frustrating. So this time. 

I'm fixing it and then posting it on my other website.

There are so many people who are rising up against Kleck to condemn him that they're coming after those who know without a doubt who Kleck is with accusations of him being a false Prophet.

Their arguments mainly consist of:

  • We aren't the fallen angels
  • Kleck's prophecies have never come true
  • He focuses on sexual things
  • He twists Genesis 1:26
  • He focuses on Satanic stuff

I'm writing this piece here today to share my testimony in regards to how I know those who call Jonathan a false prophet are people who are committing the highest crime one can commit that will never be forgiven in this world or the next in hopes to help any new believer that may be questioning who Kleck is. 

I'd also like to write this piece so that the next time someone tells me I'm on a dangerous path I've got my response readily available.

Matthew 24:24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 2 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

If it were possible, not the elect will be deceived which means the elect can't be deceived. 

Whoever has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says.

Who is Jonathan Kleck?

As you can tell from the video Jonathan prophesied about Barak Obama coming onto the scene and he referred to him as "the man of peace." 

This was prior to Barak becoming president of the United States. 

Thus, making his prophetic utterance concerning Barak true. 

In 2009, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people." 

This award serves as proof that the prophetic utterance spoken in 2007-2008 was definitely prophetic. During this prophetic utterance, Jonathan also spoke about an event destroying New York that so happens to be in a lot of movies (cause they're prepping us for it). 

Like the day after tomorrow for instance:

There are many more movies depicting the scene we can imagine from Jonathan's prophetic utterance
The prophetic statement made by Jonathan Kleck is as follows: 

"Behold the hand of the oppressor has been lifted against you. And out of the sea shall come fire and smoke and a devouring wind. Water as high as the walls of Jerusalem shall cover the city by the sea. And great shall be the destruction of that city. And behold the great wall which holds back the abundance of the rivers shall burst forth bringing the hand of the oppressor against you"

When I first came into Jonathan's work, I was very interested in what he was teaching. But I was also leery about his teachings. It was so different from what all the churches were teaching, and what I'd known to be as the gospel, didn't quite add up. The thing is, I felt led by the Holy Spirit to watch him. When I did watch him something the Holy Spirit revealed to me weeks prior would be discussed in his videos. It was like clockwork. Quite frankly, that still happens. Everything he would teach. The Holy Spirit was teaching me weeks prior. As I said, it still happens to this day. If I wrote about everything I talk about (daily), and then posted his videos, you would see this too.

His style of teaching interested me enough to want to know what he was saying. How he came up with all of what he had - only because he was speaking about things that were being taught to me (as I just said) weeks prior. I'd simply didn't understand any of what the Holy Spirit was showing me on my own in real-time and was searching for answers to what was being revealed to me. 

No lie. 

Everything I was being shown. This guy would have a video putting things into perspective. It was extremely bizarre, to say the least. However, that's what initially kept me watching his material.

During those days. The situation of my targeting began to get worse. In fact, it was so bad I'd felt that I'd needed to push my kids out of my home just to keep them safe. This broke me. I love my babies so much. I wanted to raise them myself - as I had been doing - but when my youngest turned 10. Things got so bad I was extremely afraid for them. Now, I can look back and say life (because God Almighty is in control) had something different in store for me and it was my ignorance and lack of faith that allowed those things. 

I must stress how much it broke me having to push my beautiful kids out of my life to keep them safe. I didn't really understand then what I do now and I'd like to blame the fact that I didn't view God as an all-powerful omnipresent being cause the church didn't teach the way the bible read. So I was leaning on my own understanding and not what the word of the Lord said. For instance. The church taught me. If you got sick. The church didn't operate in healing. They sent you to a doctor instead. With this level of faith being taught to me as a babe in Christ. How then was God going to help me keep my babies safe if He couldn't heal me when I got really sick and almost died?

This was my thought process. It was broken, ignorant, and absolutely wrong.  

In those days, I was unable to contain myself because of how broken I was. I'd somewhat lost track of all normalcy. Found myself not looking into anything biblical, forgetting that I was even once a college student who held the dean's list and one who also helped everyone that I possibly could along the way. Instead, I was barely living and what I was living I didn't want to feel or even remember. Everything changed for me, and you can pretty much say, I was the walking dead. Trying to figure out what was happening. Why it was happening? How could I stop or change it? 

I tell more of that testimony on my personal testimony blog. It was just important to bring up here because of how Jonathan's ministry affected my life over the last decade, which will become apparent by the end of this writing.

After a few years of this ignorant way of living (serving satan; essentially walking in the vanity of my mind). I realized I'd not heard much out of him and I wondered why. I'd gone searching for him on YT. Found out they'd unsubscribed me from his channel. There was a lot of material I'd missed. I immediately began binge-watching Jonathan - to catch up on the videos - and I for the most part was really lost in every way, shape, and form.

There came a time when the way he was handling some of the personal attacks against him seemed to me "ungodly." Being a little bothered by my own ideologies (regarding his responses). I'd said, (alone in my room) I'm going to stop watching Jonathan. 

That's when I heard the Holy Spirit say, "WHY? Has he lied to you?" 

My answer was, "No, not at all." (after thinking back to all of his videos and what he's said) I realized he has never told a lie. So, "no, not at all"... Was my conversation with the Holy Spirit.

I heard the Holy Spirit say; "KEEP WATCHING" and it was really powerful and clear. 

That piqued my interest, to say the least. 

Who was Jonathan to the Lord God? 

I asked him. Who is Jonathan to you? I didn't hear anything. I learned over the next few days in scripture that if someone wanted to know something they fasted and prayed for the answer. So I decided to fast for the answer. After my fast, I'd asked the Lord, and I'd said, "ok, now show me who Jonathan is to you." I opened the bible and my eyes fell directly upon: 

Acts 3:21-2321 Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. 22 For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. 23 And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. 

Many things became clear after that. It was very apparent that there would be people who refuse to listen to Jonathan that would eventually be cut off from among the people (just as it is written). I didn't want to be cut off myself. So I was surely going to listen to everything this man said.

Since this time. I've been shown a few other things pertaining to Prophets of the Lord thy God. 

Jeremiah 23:16 “Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD.”

What I'd thought is. Does this so happen to mean there are no prophets? There aren't any people who would be prophesying what the Lord thy God told them to and would simply be speaking from their heart? And I realized you must use the whole context to understand exactly what's being said by Jeremiah. Let's visit what's Jeremiah's tenth sermon, which was against Judah's false prophets, says. 

Verse 23:9 tells us his heart was broken because of all the prophets; all of his bones shook; He was like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine has overcome, because of the Lord, and because of the words of his holiness; 

What's important to know is. Jeremiah is a prophet. He prophesied many things. As we can see here in the following verse. 

Jeremiah 1:4 Then, the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. 

This one prophecy is talking about those who 'claim' to be prophets. Not about himself. 

So, the Creator clearly tells us Jeremiah is a prophet that was sanctified in the womb and he was known by the Father before he was even formed in the womb and was told this when he was a child. (v.6) The Creator of the Universe who sent his only begotten son - to buy us back with his blood - told Jeremiah. Do not be afraid of them (the false prophets) cause he was with him to deliver him and he put his words into Jeremiah's mouth (v6-10). 

What can one take from this? I'd say there are many who are calling themselves prophets (at this time) ((and in Jeremiah's time)) who are only prophesying out of their own heart. They've not heard from the Lord. They are speaking things that do not come from the Almighty, right now. Just as they did back when Jeremiah was around.

This speaks volumes. First to note

In Chapter 1 verses 12-16, Jeremiah was told that evil from the North would come upon Jerusalem and Judah. Verse 16 says "And I will utter my judgments against them touching all their wickedness, who have forsaken him, and have burned incense to other gods, and worshipped the work of their own hands." So, Jeremiah when he prophesied in chapter 23. He wasn't talking about himself. He was talking about the very people who are saying they're prophets. They claim the Lord speaks to them and told them to say what they're saying. But it was coming from their hearts; NOT from the Most High. It's also important to take note that in verse 16 he said he would utter his judgments against those who forsake his name. This means there will be prophets who proclaim they're speaking on behalf of the Most High that isn't speaking on his behalf, and there will come a time that he will rise up another to tell this to the people. Daniel's vision tells us. This trouble from the North comes in the time of the end (11:40). During this time. Michael would stand up, and there would be a time of trouble like never before. 

Jonathan's testimony is that he met Michael in an alley and prayed with him. Michael told him to learn to trust that tiny voice and listen to what he speaks to him. I believe this is the moment that Michael stood up for the people! How amazing! So that those who were found written in the Book of Life would be delivered. And from what I see currently unfolding. MANY who watch Jonathan are telling about their journey that changed their life. In other words. There are lots of us who know that Jonathan is a prophet of the Most High because of how his teaching strengthened our relationships with the Lord. 

Might I add? Jonathan doesn't even like calling himself a prophet! That is very unique! I see so many saying. I am a prophet. I am a prophetess. They tell of dreams and visions. But don't come with any power. Why is that? Aren't the Prophets those who had supernatural signs? Needless to say, it is those of us who watch Jonathan who refer to him in this manner. 

I've only heard him say it one time (since first writing this there are more times now). He has said that he had a hard time saying that about himself (his humility is a beautiful thing). He doesn't tout himself as the Prophet Jonathan... Like so many others do. So it is not as if he is running around saying, "Hey, look at me! I'm a prophet." Like most of these self-proclaimed men do, which is what I believe is conveyed in the story of Jeremiah and his prophecy. I believe this is a very distinguishing characteristic. One that should not go overlooked. 

On another note: 

I was an extremely bad sinner. Unable to understand the scriptures. I have struggled with many strongholds. This has drastically changed once I began really listening to understand what JK had been sharing. While studying the Word on my own accord. Remember, what the Holy Spirit began teaching me. This guy. He would be teaching it in his next video or two out. 

Slowly my life has changed dramatically. 

I've come to understand the scriptures better than I ever could before (even though I was attending church and studying my word). 

When in the church. There were times I felt as if I knew the word better than the pastor did. (hand on face) ((not saying this to be haughty)). It was because some of the things they taught didn't sit right in my spirit. When I would address them in bible study (or fellowshipping) people would be astonished at how I looked at the scriptures differently. They loved what I said. Many times I could see the elders in the churches looking at me with astonishment. 

I heard a few times. "Wow, that's right. I never thought of it that way. Great point." For the times that I did speak up.

I couldn't explain how I inherently knew some things from my meeting with Christ. I've said in many other posts. I had been having a very hard time reading/learning to comprehend the scriptures. All these years later. I know why. They were teaching precepts of man. I was looking for the commandment of God. I met the Lord the night I was baptized. I knew, in my spirit (after that meeting) HIS word was perfect. Simple things, different from what they were teaching. were taken into consideration by the church (never shot down and refuted). In many ways, this made me realize, there was something I wasn't going to get in the church. This is one reason I left it. Well, I didn't completely leave "the church". However, I didn't try to belong to one in general. And I did my own independent studies.

I'd had some understanding they didn't. I received it when I met the Messiah. And a part of the opposite when I met Satan. I couldn't understand that then. Yet, I do now. They were delivering me a false Jesus. Anyhow, the bigger things I couldn't understand. Like, the bible talked about two gods. But the scriptures clearly say there is only one God. In my studies. I saw polar differences and couldn't understand where that came from. Jonathan cleared the misconceptions. Proving the word of God is perfect in every way. In fact, the God they delivered me in the church made God Almighty the author of confusion. He says, "I am not the author of confusion." Where did my confusion come from? I couldn't have told you that either. Cause there was soooo much to point out. The more I learned in the church. The more questions I came up with. 

The funny thing is. The Word isn't confusing.

Actually, it's so perfect it's almost unreal. And it makes so much sense now that a few things have been rectified using only God's Word to do so.

As I already stated. Jonathan cleared up the misconceptions, and he used the WORD of GOD to do it. Not some explanation of "it must be this." When I received the truth. I began to realize just how true his message of "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD and the MESSIAH's 1000 YEAR REIGN IS UPON US" is. 

It also became clear to me. Jonathan is our Noah. He was sent by the Most High to warn us, prepare us, and clear up all the teachings of heresy that have plagued the churches for decades. This is prophecy unfolding. Just read Jeremiah 23. 

I decided I better clean up my life. Before I ended up in the pits of hell. I go into further detail regarding my personal testimony. On the linked blog. You can read up on it (if ya want) just by skimming the links on this page!. 

I bring this up because I've been attacked by many people for various reasons as to why they believe JK is a false prophet. 

One of those reasons so happened to be that "he hates women". 

I'm a female. I don't get that. In fact, in reading the word I've found that I'm unfit to enter into the Kingdom, and all the things I've done since the day I gave my life over to Christ will keep me from entering into the Kingdom unless the Lord Jesus Christ will stand for me before the Father. This is Fathers' words regarding who I am and Jonathan merely speaks the Lord thy God's words regarding these woman (who are said to be hunters in JK's words).  What Jonathan teaches is straight out of the scriptures. It's not his ideology. Some women who can't keep at home, who are loudmouths and don't listen to the Lord God are a part of biblical scripture. 

I was one of those women. 

Does Jonathan have any say in that? 

Not at all. 

So this statement was probably one of the more ridiculous ones I've heard. Can I hold it against Jonathan for speaking about the word of God? Yes, I could. However, how does that change the fact the Jonathan isn't the man who wrote the scriptures? It doesn't. He's just a man telling what he knows. Might I add, the woman was the one who was caught in the transgression? She is who seduced Adam into being disobedient. When a woman tells me he hates us as a whole I can't help but think about Eve in the transgression conning Adam to transgress too. It makes me feel like the same spirit that seduced Adam is the same spirit behind these women who say such. So, no... I wouldn't dare blame Kleck for being honest.

His honesty shows me that the scriptures are telling the truth as to what happens to women like I once was. If my faith doesn't justify me then I'm going to hell. But, Jonathans' teaching has shown me the perfection of the word and this allowed me to change because I'm no longer the same gal that I once was. I've seriously repented for all these deeds. And ya wanna know what? If I'd not learned about the Key of David, the perfection of the scriptures, and how they changed the word I'd never have come to learn who I was and what I needed to repent of. This is truly a double-edged sword. Good to face myself and bad at the same time. Through this understanding, I've come to realize how sick I am in the eyes of the Lord God. Yet, this has allowed me put all my faith and trust in Jesus who has been helping me to be loosed from the heavy burdens of sin that I was once knee-deep in.

Jonathan is merely a conduit for the Lord. He isn't nothing more or nothing less. JK, the prophet, speaking of these 'woman hunters' is simply speaking the truth. How can anyone of us hate him for speaking the truth? 

I'd say only those women who are happy with who they are despite the hefty consequence and the admonishings of the Lord God in HIS Holy Word. I'd also say that these women who feel as if Jonathan hates them are those women who have a spirit in them that doesn't want them to obtain the truth. Or they're merely those who can't come to terms with who they've been throughout their lives only because it would've been easier for me to not look at myself in the mirror than it was to realize just how sick inside I really was.  

There's been many a time I've said to myself I wasn't going to make it into heaven and that I was going to end up rotting, weeping, and gnashing my teeth in a cell in hell. Since having met Lucifer four times in the spirit as a 14-year-old this thought has plagued me for decades because I got a first-hand account of what it's like to be in the presence of Satan -and it's not something I'd wish on anyone- but I'd had a lying spirit always telling me I wasn't good enough for the Lord God to love. Now, because I know just how true the word of the Lord is, I rest on the hope of what the word says. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

I'd never have come to believe that and turned away from my sin if Jonathan hadn't shown me just how perfect that Word of God is. My faith was truly only the size of a mustard seed and Jonathans' peculiar ways helped me in ways I can't vocalize.

Jonathan's ability to point out a truth that the world doesn't want to receive is scriptural. Look at what's written in Jeremiah 23:14 I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk-in lies: they strengthen the hands of the evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.

The prophets of today's time aren't showing us what Jonathan is. I get that. But do you know the profound nature of what that means is? 

The Lord thy in His Holy Word said, "they walk in lies!" referring to the prophets. This means self-proclaimed prophets are not telling the truth! I've not seen one prophet showing us that we chose to live in a host body system or why Peter was given the keys to the kingdom. Heck, I've not heard any of them speak about the keys at all. Yet, this is exactly what the scriptures tell us? 

Think about this:

Scriptures say,

  • there is no male or female, Jew or Gentile, bond or free in heaven
  • Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world.

Why are there no human forms like there are now in heaven and why is Jesus not from here but from there? 

What Prophets are telling us about this?

Furthermore, why did He (ImanuEL) have to shed His blood to BUY US BACK?

Why would you buy something back that was made in your image?

Who are the builders who rejected Jesus?

Why does the story of Jesus tell us that there are builders that aren't Him or Father? Why does it also tell us that He usurped the system?

Jonathan answers all of these questions and then some. What other prophets are doing the same?

The scriptures are clear only when you take words back to their Greek and Hebrew origin to get their meaning and that's what Jonathan does in his work. 

Jonathan isn't a false prophet. If you watched or listened attentively to what he has produced for the church you would find that he has shed light on each and everyone of these questions using the word of God. He doesn't use theology to make points. He uses the written word of God to prove out the word of God. I hear teachers telling me what Joe Smoe said about specific verses back in the day. Not going into the Word of God to point out the biblical points they're making.

This man has been a willing vessel for the Most High. He has given up millions of dollars to serve the Lord God in a church that's been weighed down heavily by commandments of men being taught for doctrine. If this were not so, then why is it written in 

Matthew 15:9 “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

Or in

Colossians 2:22 “Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men?”

What about Mark 7:7 "7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. 9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 10 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: 11 But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12 And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

It's no wonder they hate Jonathan. There are more falsehoods in the CHURCH than there are in any other place I've ever been. All one needs to do is look at the letters to the churches. There were seven letters to the churches. Each letter showed charges against the church except for two. Smyrna had to enure to the death (Rev 2:10) and the church of Philadelphia was going to be kept from the hour of temptation because they held to THE WORD. The other five churches had charges! Ephesus was perfect all way around except they'd forgotten from where they fell. 

Isn't it strange the Jonathan teaches where we fell from and even church-going folks who profess Jesus are in denial of his teaching even though he proves it all out in scriptures? Could this be the very reason churchgoers will be told "depart from me I never knew you?"

I've heard from many churchgoers that Jonathan is a false prophet because he focuses on sexual parts. Is that true? Did Jonathan build St. Peters Basilica? Did he force women to get tattoos on their private parts of bugs?

Shame on those of you who are the enemy of the Most High. I will be praying for you. Jonathan is merely pointing out what Satan's kingdom has produced. Why would satan show you his hidden kingdom? Why would satan raise up a man to show you all of his hidden devices so that you would know what to repent of? 

Might I add that Jonathan professes who Christ is and the scriptures do say in 1st Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

Jonathan professes Christ and gives Him all the credit for everything he has ever done. So this then means that Jonathan does have the Holy Spirit then. Now that we've shown Jonathan -according to God's written Word- has the Holy Spirit it would be wise to point out that those who have been saying JK is a false prophet are attributing the healings and the teachings of this man to the devil.

They did that to Jesus as well! Did they not in Matthew 12:24 “But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.”

And then, if no servant is any greater than their master, as it is written in John 15:20 and 13:16 then this is just more evidence that Jonathan comes in the name of the Father, right?

The world doesn't like the truth. In fact, I found out our flesh hates the truth. When watching Jonathan I was disturbed a few times and said I was going to quit watching him. After the Lord told me to keep watching I did. But, I'd had to ask. Why does he bother me? It was then that the Holy Spirit directed me to Jeremiah 17:9  9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I then realized that my flesh was rejecting the message. 

If you've been bothered by Jonathans' message and said it's because he focuses on sexual things ask yourself is Jonathan really the one who developed those sexual things or is he merely pointing them out? Because I know he is just pointing them out. Then ask yourself this. Why are all these images of sexual things embedded into stuff? Furthermore, why is it at the altar of the biggest church in the world that has recently called for a one-world religion?

Also, if you say that his prophecies have not come true then you're saying that his "man of Peace" prophesies did not come true when they did which makes you a liar. The prophecy of Hoover dam is another I hear stupid things about. People claim Jonathan said it was coming down on a specific day when he in fact did not say that. He said, "I don't know, but it's a good chance" that isn't a prophecy of something on a specific day. That's saying I know this is going to happen, and it's a good chance that will happen on this day, but I'm not sure of that either. 

People need to stop twisting people's words. 

His prophecy of the Hoover dam simply hasn't come to pass because it's yet to happen. The prophecy of New York and the Hoover dam are both on the cusp of happening. From what I've been shown these events will happen on the same day and I've lots of proof as to why I say this. 

Needless to say, there are about 20 more reasons (with the scripture of why I know Jonathan isn't a false prophet) but I'm saving those for another post. If you read your bible and actually studied it with the Lord thy God's guidance you would also know this and would be able to identify those people who are teaching doctrines of men while worshipping the Messiah in vain. 

Most of these people who call him a false prophet are under the same churches who've been charged with something which means they stand to be blamed. This is a scary thought my friends. Why would you want to not be sure you aren't worshipping HIM in vain? Others are merely workers of satans himself who absolutely hate Jesus Christ and HIS servants. Don't be one of those who looks at Jonathans' videos and before you listen to him for 10 hours of more go calling him a false prophet. You do realize this is the only unforgivable sin, right? This means that every one of those who've gotten into my email box or have contacted me through social media and called JK a False prophet is now going to hell with no possibility of being saved. My heart bleeds for them.

My experience of meeting satan showed me that anyone who goes down into the pit will be tormented endlessly, however, those who professed Jesus and don't make it into the Kingdom will suffer more so. If you are living in sin, contrary to the word of God, and not living right. Just repent while you've still got time. 

If you've called Jonathan a false prophet I pray it was done in ignorance with haste so that it won't be held against you. But, I'm not sure that is even possible and I pray mercy on your souls. Hell is a very real place and calling people false prophets who are coming in the name of Jesus with fruits that bare witness to this is foolishness. Don't be one of those who commits the unforgivable sin. 

For anyone new to my writings or any of my work this won't make immediate sense, however, it's a part of my testimony and I must tell it. Don Fums mysterious directions are about how they're going to pull off the biggest terrorist attack since 9 1 1 on American soil. I turned the names around and applied a deciphering technique the Lord thy God showed me. In doing so, I've got proof that I knew the plan they've been using to carry out the nefarious deeds of killing billions of people in the many posts about DFMD. You can see that proof on this website. One of those deeds is to use a green nanoparticulate comprised of a replication of a parasite made of artificial intelligence by spraying it over our heads multiple days a week. I didn't know until the Covid situation unfolded that they would also be using this in a vaccine. This is part of a very elaborate scheme to change people from the inside out. It's something I've said in many of my videos posted on YT and soon to be posted on my blogs that anyone can see for themselves. This wasn't a revelation from Jonathan. It was a revelation given to me by the Most High to tell me what was happening in my life.