
Friday, June 4

Baseball Gestures --- the T.l's experience

I was confused, nervous, scared, and questioning what was going on. I knew the people there were conjuring for me. It sounds weird. I get it. But, it's true. When you've got a pricetag on your head there's no telling what can happen around you.  People from all walks of life involved, young, and old. 
The age truly doesn't matter.  
But, who really is going to believe you?
Like, who takes pictures out of windows down at people congregating in a hotel just outside the doors? Who's really going to believe that, YOU know, they're there for you?
It appears to be more delusional than mounting evidence. But what if it isn't just normal congregating? How will anyone really know? These questions were always plaguing my thoughts. Day after day. Night after night.

I didn't believe it. Till one day, the truth set me free.... Now, I don't care what people say or think cause the truth is the truth. The evidence was overwhelming. They could put me in any position they wanted to, at the drop of a dime. 
They literally own everything. Because THEY are the system. These people have their paws in every single system in this nation. Because they're the "owners" of this nation. 
If they want you dead they can have you without a problem.
And if you point out these measures they use. They label you crazy. It's an ongoing pattern of never ending b.s brought to us by bioengineering, using citizens as test subjects, and paying a lot of people to keep it quite.

I finally learned there's nothing they can do to you that wasn't ordained. 

Most people walk around -like I once did- deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid. 
It's written, THEY were given authority to kill...

The builders that rejected Jesus. 
He sits at the right hand of the Father
 There's only one that I should be worried about and that's the Lord Jesus Christ. What shall he think and say to me on judgement day?