
Tuesday, January 26

More of my testimony of Jesus Christ and who Jonathan Kleck is

  I wrote this on a comment section thought to share it here. 

@Tom  I mean no harm or disrespect. In fact, but, there's a scripture that says I am the door (jesus) and if someone comes in some other way the same is a thief or a robber. 

There's another scripture that says. Many will say to me in that day Lord Lord what about me? Didn't we cast out demons and prophecy in your name and he will say DEPART FROM ME YOU WORKER OF INIQUITY I NEVER KNEW YOU.

All do respect. Read those and tell me you don't picture a people who love Jesus? Who says Jesus is this and Jesus is that? A people who is going around telling others they profess Jesus. Well, here we are with two of us saying one thing and another person saying another ey?

Listen, I love my brethren. But, I must share a brief story with you. After meeting Jesus I was searching. I went to church. But, nothing made sense. In fact, strongholds I had GREW! I began drinking and doing things I shouldn't have! But, I still needed and wanted the truth. I knew it existed. I knew from the moment I meant the Messiah that his word was perfect. I moved around a lot. Went church to church. These places were full of heresy! Bunch of people that freaking blew my mind didn't know what they were talking about. I started to do my own research. Where did the word of God come from? Did man play with the word? Are we truly reading the word that I knew in my spirit from this supernatural meeting was true? So many questions. So many rabbit holes. Thousands of hours of study. And in the process I was targeted so heavy it's unreal. College went bad the year I almost died. I couldn't seem to get back up. Everything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Then, my kids... It started to effect my babies. My youngest was around 12 years old at the time. And it broke me. I just knew f this. I want to die! I hate life. Nothing makes sense anymore! Who the hell was changing my furniture? Who the hell was breaking into my windows? Who was stealing money out of my account? Why would I wake up feeling drugged? Man, it's so much shit talking about it causes me PTSD. Point?

I still searched for Jesus. And in the time was introduced to Jonathan Kleck. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING JK was talking about (you live in a dreamworld) I was experiencing. But, I like man attended church. So JK teaching was weird and foreign at best. 2 years into his teaching my life has went to shit and I want death! F' this place! Everything I've worked for. Gone. Everything I knew. Destroyed. Everything I wanted... Lost. No hope left. All I loved. Taken from me. I felt accursed. But, I felt Jesus pulling me in a direction. So I followed. Everyone on earth hated me, reviled me, ridiculed me... And they turned my babies against me too. So death sounded good. I walked into every trap known to mankind ready to die. And Jesus showed up and showed out. I walked away each time dumbfound. No way this just happened. About 4-5 times later my hope and those things began to be restored. I was totally feeling different. So I decided to clean my life up. But, those who target me kept coming for me. Cut my brake lines once. Kidnapped me off second floor and brought me back injured another time. Bruises and everything all over me. I found Jonny again. And here it was clear that I knew nothing. When I watched him everything he said was like wth? WTH is this guy saying? 

So one day I said, "I'm gonna quit watching". And I heard the Holy Spirit say... "Why has he lied to you?" And I said no, he bothers me. I heard KEEP WATCHING. Weird. I thought why the heck would he want me to keep watching this weird dude? 

So I decided to ask him. "Who is Jonny to you?" And I heard him say NOTHING!

Well, that's weird. The Lord never was silent when I asked questions. He always responded. Many a times he told me how wrong I'd done and so on. But, complete silence. So, I decided I know a way to get him to respond. FAST and I fasted. I sat there and said ok, Lord I need you to show me in the bible who this man is. Where I open it it's him and I opened to Acts 3:21-23.

Dude, it still didn't make sense 🤦

Poor me.

🙏I needed help! I was such a lost soul. After being kidnapped outta the house I was frightened staying with my Father. I missed my kids. Things were all crazy. And I wanted normalcy. But, guess what? I moved and a friend of 23 years conspired to kill me. He beat me so bad. I got two cracked ribs and everything. (Well there's more. But, this a long ass comment) point!? One day. I was all messed up and wanted freedom. Bible says that he sets people free. Bible says that he takes care of his children. So, I wanted to get myself together and get that peace restored. 

Man, what I found out in the coming years later. Not only is Jonathan the Lord God's messenger to ring the bell and gather the church. But, there is only ONE way into the kingdom. It's got ZERO to do with JK. It 1000% has to to with Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

I'm clean! I'm sober! Going on I think three years now? I've struggled with smoking cigarettes. Bu when I lost hope, my kids, my entire livelyhood, 72 college credits and still no degree? It's so much I can't list it all here. Point? I had nothing. And people were trying to kill me. I started using hard core drugs. I'm clean. I'm free. My strongholds are gone!

And how did this happen? JESUS 🙌

He gave me freedom. He showed me in the bible what happened to me. JK didn't teach me that. The Lord thy God did. 🙌

Abba Father. And with the help of JK's ministry I see exactly why 6 churches had charges and one didn't. Read the letters to the churches. All charged with something. Even one so clean the Lord said I have this one thing against you. You've forgotten your first love. 

I know you don't agree. But, careful study, much prayer, and fasting and you will find Jonny is the angel of the church of Philadelphia. He was given the key of David. And he shared that gift with us for FREE. 

Many don't believe cause their under heavy mind fact, we ALL were inundated with it since birth. 

I know for a fact I speak the doctrine of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth!

Acts 17

The brethren of old turned the world upside down!your unique in that your the onLY person wise enough not to call jonny a false prophet to me. Blasphemy of the holy spirit is the only unpardonable sin! 

He is the prophet spoken of in Acts 3:21-23. Read that and ponder this. 



the FLESH brother

It's in opposition to the Most High.

Living in the spirit is the only way to triumph and overcome the world!

I feel for so many people. So many people in the church gonna have to endure the tribulation cause they simply can't believe the truth. The churches lied to us. LOVE IS NOT THE KEY TO HEAVEN! LOVE IS HOW WE SHOULD TREAT ONE ANOTHER. AND ITS LOVING TO LOOK AT SOMEONE KNOWING THEY WILL HATE YOU FOR IT AND SAY HEY, YOUR WRONG RIGHT HERE. THIS IS THE TRUTH... 

Don't be one of those people professing to know the Most High and yet unable to endure sound doctrine. What I spoke is truth. I can not lie! 

Jesus is the TRUTH!

Most churches are teaching man's precepts for doctrine (look this up it's scriptural) and they're leading people to hell. There was a reason Peter was crucified upside down and Jesus said he would build his church on Peter (which is Petros meaning rock) there's a reason the Messiah told Peter he would glorify the kingdom in his death. There's a reason they took out the acts of Peter. There's a reason the Messiah told Peter he would give him the keys to the kingdom. And all these reasons are in the bible. 

When you tell me I'm wrong

And when Leena ignores my comments and tells you your right it's because y'all lack this understanding. There will be MANY in that day who will say to the Messiah.

Wait LORD lORD what about me? We cast out demons and prophesied in your name and he will say depart from me

I never knew you you worker of iniquity!

Why? John 10 explains this best barely verily I say unto you he that enters not by the door into the sheepfold but climbs up some other way the same is a thief and a robber but he that enters in by the door is The Shepherd of the sheep to him the porter opens and the sheep hear his voice and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them not out and when he puts forth his own sheep he goes before them and the sheep follow him for they know his voice

Pete's life, the gospel, and the keys to the kingdom ALL make a big difference when it comes to understanding the gospel. 

And it's my duty in Christ to speak the truth 100% truth