
Friday, September 9

Pastors leading the flocks astray...

Authors note: I began writing this around October of 2021. I sat pouring myself into it. Studying, praying, asking for guidance, and trying to follow the scriptures to the letter. Unfortunately, when I began writing current circumstances were the main reason. Ultimately, I knew this writing would bring me answers. As written in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, I strongly believe scripture is profitable for guidance, reproof, and sound doctrine. So, in a way, this writing is more of what I found during my studies. Answers I was looking for to help me understand complex, yet really simple situations, I'd been faced with more than once. It's now September of 2022 -a lot has changed- but the same situation I faced many times before has recently come up on multiple occasions. This has drawn me back to this writing. To finally get it published. On this blog. 

I began yesterday with a post titled: A stripper in the church...? In that writing I told of my early experiences in the church. Experiences that I'm grateful to have experienced. You see, what Satan meant for bad The Lord God Almighty turned it into good! I will speak more on that in another writing. Whatever I do not expound on in one writing. I am sure to expound on it in another. I will have all topics expounded upon and on this blog. Then, when I am finished I will put them together and put them into a book (so long as there is time). I'm only saying this to say, I'd not really found a smooth way to connect it all together so I posted that to link into this piece here. This post here was the start of my writing a year ago. Abba willing that is
Let's get into it! 

The start of my writing: #roughdraft

It's just after 2:30 in the morning on October 29, 2021, and I can't no longer sleep. Exhausted, I laid down far earlier than normal, and although I could stay asleep, I feel really compelled to write something out pertaining to my testimony. 

I'm somewhat nervous and truly humble as I write this out. In many ways, I don't feel worthy to write about what I know. Although, I do feel blessed to have the knowledge to be able to do so. It's still a topic that I've been working hard to understand for quite a very long time. You see, I'm not a teacher. I'm just trying to know Jesus through reading the Word. From what I know, you can't know Jesus if you don't know HIS Words. I can't help but to think, there has to be others out here -like me- who can benefit from a deeper understanding centered around the topic of,
  • Gal 4:16  Am I therefore G5620 become G1096 your G5216 enemy, G2190 because I tell you the truth? G226 G5213 
This topic is not cut and dry for me. In fact, I feel that it is closely related to the topic of losing ones salvation which is something that merged together for me over time. It's better if I don't get off into that right now though. Even though, this writing will eventually expound on this topic as well.

This is one of the hardest pieces of writing I've yet to embark on. That's why I hadn't finished it last year. This writing kept me digging, praying, and just really spending time meditating on the Word. I'd laid it down to pray, read, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead. It wasn't easy in October of '21 just as it's difficult today September of '22. Even though it appears to be a topic that keeps coming up. I don't feel any better dealing with it, when it does arise, even though I'm sound in my understanding now.

There's a personal situation that occurred back in 2019, 2020, and 2021 that I'm currently dealing with now that applies to this topic and it's been weighing heavy on my heart for months. It is written in
  • Hosea 6:4 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”

This verse allows us to know that HIS people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Many around me, and around others I know, lack knowledge. They confuse sitting and asking God one question, getting an immediate answer without studying scriptures as being a definitive answer -even if/when scripture says something different. Not realizing the Holy Spirit would never lie on Himself. He is ONE with the Father and the Son which means HE too is THE WORD. They believe, if the spirit told me it has to be true. Rather than, does this match up with the WORD? Show me in the WORD what the WORD says. This is the peril I was getting at in my writing about being a stripper in the church. The folks I first went to church with were loving, open, and appeared to have a love for Jesus when in services. But the fact that they were a 501c3 church bound by teaching out of books with an already laid out curriculum, made them falter. Unfortunately, I could feel something was off. I could tell in my spirit that there was something the church wasn't teaching.

Don't believe me? 

Well, by all means allow me to lay the foundation to prove it. No way that we can have any understanding of what I'm about to expound on if we don't know certain factors.

 It’s imperative we have a collective understanding of just how important the word of God is to every professing believer. Let’s review and establish the importance of the word.

  • Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom: out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding

  • Psalms 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in the furnace of earth, purified seven times

  • Psalm 33:4 For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth.

  • John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

  • Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

  • Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away

  • Philippians 2:14-16 Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life.

  • Matthew 7:24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.

  • John 8:31-32 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

There are 43 more verses about the word of God that simply reinforce what I learned in the spirit the day I met the Messiah in the year 2000. Click this link here to read all of those verses and become acclimated with it's importance to me -if you wish.

As the scriptures clearly point out. The word of God is perfect and sacred to the professing believer. It helps us to cut out the old man; so the new man can come in. The WORD brings about Godly repentance. The WORD allows us to learn the right way and to be on the straight and narrow path (not the broad road to hell). We can live off of every WORD and everything in this world will pass away except for THE WORD! 

(((((Wow, how profound! I believe it too. I believe every written Word. Yes! I believe Jesus!)))))

In order to know the way of (God h410) the (God h410) of our salvation we need to know his word.

  • Psalms 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God (H410= EL) of our salvation. Selah.

Seems people need to understand. If you don't agree with what the Word says. You are rejecting Jesus. Not the messengers! Rather you are literally denying the one who bought you back; Jesus, the Messiah. This means, if I'm reading something out of the WORD, and you don't agree with it, YOU are disagreeing with JESUS, not me.

Now that we got that out of the way.

As you may already know, I'm (like many other Christians) am awaiting the arrival of our King, The King of Kings Lord of Lords Jesus Christ, who surely is at the door. 

His second coming is going to happen like a thief in the night. As written in, 
  • 2 Peter 3:4 “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
Interestingly, I'm finding at this time. Tens of thousands of people are expressing the urgency to repent on every social media platform the world has. Yet, and still, HIS arrival will surprise many and disappoint many more. With confidence I can say this will be so for many reasons. I'd like to explain a couple of those reasons. They are situations I've personally learned about through study, the WORD, and personal situations.

Let's begin with looking at Matthew 7:22

Matthew 7:22 On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? ' 23 And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. '

Here in Matthew, we are able to derive there are a group of people who say they love the Lord their God and His only begotten son (who is one) that have prophesied in the name of Jesus, cast out demons in the name of Jesus, and did many works in the name of Jesus who are going to be told, they're "workers of lawlessness." 

It's obvious, these people would currently be people who are saying they love Jesus. There should be no question or need to interpret this scripture to mean something else. It's clear in its meaning. They're more than likely preaching His words and they're most definitely out here prophesying, praying, and calling out to Jesus in real-time, right now. 

So, why would HE tell them HE never knew them? Seriously, why is that? Why would an all-loving God reject people who called upon HIM, did works in HIS name, and professed to others they loved HIM? Is it not written that all who believe in HIM will be saved? 

“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13)

Does this mean there is a flaw in the scriptures? 
Or that HE is confused and doesn't mean that for everyone? 
Or maybe someone might believe that it's just another of the many contradictions people 'think' they've found in scriptures?

Someone recently told me this was only attributed to the Pharisees. I would agree. However, it's wise to point out. The scribes and Pharisees were found in the churches. They were those who said they believed the words of Moses. The Words of Moses came from the the Lord of Hosts (Jesus). In fact, the Pharisee's were leaders of the churches. The Scribes were the ones who dealt personally with writing the WORD. So with that being said. We can easily say that there are those who read doctrine, teach doctrine, and profess to know HIM and they wouldn't know HIM if HE stood before them. Heck, its happened once why wouldn't it happen again? These people aren't considered Pharisees to many. They are considered as teachers who are teaching the WORD and love the LORD. Instead, they're wolves in sheep's clothing.

Anyhow, whatever your stance on it is, I can assure you the answer will surprise you and many will reject it. 

Here are two solid answers I've learned about over the years

The first reason is because many reject the word. They're holding onto the traditions of men -leaning on their own commandments/understanding- and not the word. These people are absolutely unable to keep his word because it doesn't match up to what the world has taught them. (Matthew 15:9 and Mark 7:7) 

The second reason is to be shown one of your sins and instead of turning away from it you continue forward in it believing in the deception that took you into that sin in the first place. 

Neither one of these questions, or the answers to them, should be taken lightly by anyone in the church. In fact, every believer in Christ should be concerned about this. After all, HIS word says, "MANY will say to me in that day LORD, LORD what about me?" I believe this is why it is written in 
  • 1 Corinthians 11:28-32 - But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. 
  • 2 Corinthians 13:5 - Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
  • Lamentations 3:40 - Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.
With these scriptures in mind. I set sail to try myself. Asking of the LORD God Almighty to show me how HE saw me. It's HIS opinion of me that matters the most. Quite frankly, examining ourselves is essential, and at the very least, wise of every believer. My need to do what the scriptures say (even down to the least of topics such as this) has always been my m.o. This is why I can say my explanation is well researched and backed up by scripture.  

In order to obtain the full understanding of both reasons we must visit all the scriptures available to us.  After all: 
  • Isaiah 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
With this in mind:

We have a lot to unpack, put together, and to consider for us to come up with a solid answer to both cases in point. I'd like to point out, there may be or may not be more reasons that I've not come to learn. I'm not a teacher. I've not been appointed to be one either. And since they are held at a higher standard. I don't want to be one. However, I am called to share my testimony and these topics so happen to be something I've dealt with on a personal level. To top it off, sharing these experiences with you allows me to examine myself that much more.

We will jump around a little, visit many scriptures, touch on some of the scriptures aspects, and not go into a full explanation of anything until we've covered it all. This, being a blog post, limits how much text I can fit into one post. This means, there will be multiple posts on this topic as I stated in the beginning of this writing. You also can expect me to reiterate certain attributes -and maybe even omit some- for the sake of writing this out. 

I think it's a good idea to start by looking at the letters to the churches

There are seven letters to seven different churches. Each letter to the churches is different. Here is a very brief description of what those letters tell us.
  1. Ephesus has a great work ethnic for the kingdom but is charged with leaving their first love and forgetting where they've fallen from. Revelations 2:4-5 4 Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. 5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. 
  2. The Church of Smyrna was told to be faithful unto death (Rev. 2:8-11). 
  3. The church of Pergamos had a few charges and was told to repent or else HE will come to them "quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth." Rev. 2:13-16
  4. The Church of Thyatira also had charges, and was ordered to repent, or they would be thrown into the great tribulation. Rev. 2:18-29
  5. The Church of Sardis was also far from perfect (although, there were a few names that didn't defile their garments and would walk with HIM in white because they are worthy) they were also told to repent Rev. 3:1-5
  6. The church of Philadelphia has the key of David, has kept the word, and is told if they hold fast to what they have He would keep them from the hour of temptation that He would pour out on the whole world. Revelations 3:7-13
  7. The Church of Laodicea was lukewarm and would be spit out of HIS mouth unless they repented. Rev. 3:14-22
Of course, you should read these letters to the churches yourself. I didn't put every aspect of their charges or what the letter to each church included exactly because you can read that yourself. My point here is to point out the fact that every church seems to have something they needed to repent of or overcome. Except for the church of Philadelphia and Smyrna. Each one of these attributes spoken to the churches in these letters apply to everyone professing to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ. Not just that church. After all, it is written, that every believer is a part of the body of Christ. 

If we can't agree that all the churches are held up to the same standards, commanded to do the same works, and live the same way, then please, by all means stop reading now. No offense intended, but the reality is, there will be no making sense of anything scriptural for you. But if you know that all the churches are commanded the same commandments and given the same statutes. Then you know how important all the letters are to every one of us who's related to Jesus as a believer. 

I think now is the time to make something very clear, before we unbox anything else, the letters to the churches show us there are many teachers who are leading their flocks astray. If this weren't true, all five of those churches wouldn't have charges. They wouldn't be told to repent. Also, let's keep in mind churches have leaders, they call them Pastors, teachers, ministers, Deacons, the first lady, or even Prophets -among other names. The fact these teachers, so-called prophets, and the likes are leading the flock astray is also written in various different scriptures. Before we review those. Let me remind you that the Pharisee's in Jesus day were in the synagogues and they claimed they knew the written WORD. There are many who claim to know the written WORD today. So, let's get into the scriptures about teachers leading the flock astray. Here are but a few:
  • Jeremiah 23:1-6 Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says the Lord. Therefore, thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, concerning the shepherds who shepherd my people: It is you who have scattered my flock, and have driven them away, and you have not attended to them
  • 2 Peter 2:1-3 - But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
  • Romans 16:17 - Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
The scripture about Jeremiah would easily apply to those who are directing people. Meaning Prophets, Pastors, Ministers, and the likes.  These people are leaders, and therefore would have an influence in believer's lives. Every new found follower of Christ is looking to someone to teach them. So in many ways everyone who has been baptized has had a leader they've looked to in order that they may learn. 

Next, in relationship to 2 Peter 2:1-3, It's a fact every one of us is called to be a prophet. For the naysayers, if we -all who believe in Christ- are telling everyone HE is coming back, what do you call that? It's called the Spirit of Prophecy. So, yes, we are all called to Prophecy which means 2 Peter 2:1-3 could be talking about anyone of us. 
Romans 16:17 How would anyone know if they're deceived unless they "examine" their selves? How would one know what it means to "cause divisions" when it comes to the gospel? How would anyone know if they speak heresy or if someone around them is? How could any one of us know the answers to any of the aforementioned questions if we don't personally know the gospel (which is Jesus)? Especially if they've been taught wrong by one of the many leaders leading the flock astray, as it's written they have. 

These questions can be answered reading and understanding the written Word of GOD.

With so many churches not sticking to the word -like the church of Philadelphia and Smyrna does according to biblical text- it's safe to say there are more Christians under the penalty of sin than not. This too is found within the scriptures. 
  • Mat 22:14  For G1063 many G4183 are G1526 called, G2822 but G1161 few G3641 are chosen.G1588 
  • Mat 23:15  Woe G3759 unto you, G5213 scribes G1122 and G2532 Pharisees, G5330 hypocrites! G5273 for G3754 ye compass G4013 sea G2281 and G2532 land G3584 to make G4160 oneG1520 proselyte, G4339 and G2532 when G3752 he is made, G1096 ye make G4160 him G846 twofold more G1362 the child G5207 of hell G1067 than yourselves. G5216 
Finding a church that speaks the truth would be difficult if most of them are not sticking to sound doctrine, right? Think about it. There are five of seven churches with charges? Five churches that stand to be blamed, right? That's a little over 71% of the churches mentioned in biblical text. "Hartford Institute for Religion estimates there are roughly 350,000 religious congregations in the United States. This estimate relies on the RCMS 2010 religious congregations census." 71% of 350,000 is estimated to be around 250,000 churches. 

With this statistical figure -regarding the churches in America professing to follow Jesus Christ- it is very safe to say there are more deceived people who profess Christ then not. That's got to be a factor for why many are called but few are chosen, right? Why else would people be called to Christ and then not be chosen? Christ isn't able to deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13). Nor would HE. I believe it is safe to say that Jesus doesn't get any glory if you go down into the pit.  It's also logical to say these false prophets fit scripture in that we are told there are people traveling land and sea to convert people to Christ, but they're hypocrites', and make them members of hell instead. People can easily run around telling everyone Christ is coming back. But when they share the gospel. They speak lies and offer up a fake Jesus.

This is a very scary thought. Especially if you're a new believer. It's like, you simply can't trust anyone to tell you what's being said in the scriptures. Cause if you do, it's possible you could be deceived. The likelihood of a false teacher teaching you is almost 75% greater than having a teacher who teaches you sound doctrine. It's wise to note, this number is derived from what we know according to the scriptures. Not anything some man has taught.

How alarming is this?

With all this having been said, we know there are a lot of teachers out here these days.

So, who should we listen to?

Do you even need to listen to someone to find your answers?

The scriptures say, "we need no man to teach us" in 1 John 2:7

Well, that answers our question. We don't need any man to teach us anything which is why reading, learning, and discernment is key to having a full understanding of and being able to rightly divide the Word of truth.

Although, we need not a teacher to teach us. Over the course of this age (this world's timeframe) Prophets were delegated to the people in order to warn them when something major was about to occur. Here are examples to prove this out:

  • Jonah 3:3 So Jonah H3124 arose, H6965 and went H1980 unto H413 Nineveh, H5210 according to the word H1697 of the LORD. H3068 Now Nineveh H5210 was H1961 an exceeding H430 great H1419 city H5892 of three H7969 days' H3117 journey. H4109 And Jonah H3124 began H2490 to enter H935 into the city H5892 a H259 day's H3117 journey, H4109 and he cried, H7121 and said, H559 Yet H5750 forty H705 days, H3117 and Nineveh H5210 shall be overthrown.H2015 verse 5 So the people H376 of Nineveh H5210 believed H539 God,H430 and proclaimed H7121 a fast, H6685 and put on H3847 sackcloth, H8242 from the greatest H4480 H1419 of them even to H5704 the least H6996 of them. 
With these scriptures -if we were reading them in the context which they're found- we can say. Jonah heard the WORD of the LORD and after being stuck in the belly of the whale -cause he didn't want to warn the people at first- he went and told them in Nineveh what was said. The people believed -notice the Word says, GOD? The WORD does not say they believe Jonah. They believed GOD. Cause when Jonah spoke. He was a mouthpiece for GOD. It was GOD warning the people -not Jonah.

This is a part of life, this world, and the part of the WORD that people lack understanding the most. It is written,
  • James 2:26  For G1063 as G5618 the G3588 body G4983 without G5565 the spirit G4151 is G2076 dead, G3498 so G3779 faith G4102 without G5565 works G2041 is G2076 dead G3498 also. G2532 
Before we move on. I have got to spend a moment on this topic. Far too many people have this understanding all twisted up or they simply don't know anything about it. Let me throw some examples as to what this means. 1. No man wrote the scriptures. The WORD of God Almighty was written by the Creator Himself. He, as the Holy Spirit dwelling in man, wrote the scriptures using HIS own servants that HE dwelled in. Those servants were moved by the HOLY SPIRIT to write the scriptures.

It is written:
  • 2 Peter 1:19 We have G2192 also G2532 a more sure G949 word G3056 of prophecy; G4397 whereunto G3739 ye do G4160 well G2573 that ye take heed,G4337 as G5613 unto a light G3088 that shineth G5316 in G1722 a dark G850 place, G5117 until G2193 G3757 the day G2250 dawn, G1306 and G2532 the day star G5459 arise G393 in G1722 your G5216 hearts: G2588 (20) Knowing G1097 this G5124 first, G4412 that G3754 no G3956 G3756 prophecy G4394 of the scripture G1124 is G1096 of any private G2398 interpretation. G1955 (21) For G1063 the prophecy G4394 came G5342 not G3756 in old time G4218 by the will G2307 of man: G444 but G235 holy G40 men G444 of God G2316 spake G2980 as they were moved G5342 by G5259 the Holy G40 Ghost. G4151 

When someone is speaking -just as when they're writing as I am now- there is a spirit behind them. Everyone on earth operates with a spirit in their bodies. As it is written, the body without the spirit is dead. So, here you have it. No man speaks on behalf of the LORD GOD Almighty of their own accord. They speak to either edify the WORD or to gainsay. Either way, it is a SPIRIT behind it.

There is a scripture that says,
1 Co 5:6 Your G5216 glorying G2745 is not G3756 good. G2570 Know G1492 ye not G3756 that G3754 a little G3398 leaven G2219 leaveneth G2220 the G3588 whole G3650 lump? G5445

As I said earlier, I'm no teacher. However, it is apparent to me, the reason someone's glory would not be good is because there is a little lie mixed up in the truth. You can know all sorts of stuff. But if you know something and have only 99.9% of that something right. Then you know nothing. For instance, there was a time when I thought I'd had an understanding of specific scriptures. When I made a statement about what I knew. I was told by an elder. "You know nothing". I could've taken that statement and made erroneous comments against the individual. But I chose to do something different. I chose to acknowledge God.
  • Pro 3:5 Trust H982 in H413 the LORD H3068 with all H3605 thine heart; H3820 and lean H8172 not H408 unto H413 thine own understanding. H998 In all H3605 thy ways H1870 acknowledge H3045 him, and he H1931 shall direct H3474 thy paths. H734 
With this in mind. I chose to acknowledge God in this. I chose to find out where I was wrong. This didn't take long to realize where I was wrong. The point here is, I chose to search -examine- myself. I chose to see if I was in error. I chose to listen to my elder instead of taking offense. It was my choice to learn what I did wrong. As soon as I realized this. Guess what? I repented. I also respected that unsaid elder as a mouthpiece of GOD Almighty.
Far too many people hear reproof and jump to, "who are you to judge me". These people aren't acknowledging God Almighty. I've experienced these types of people more than once. Nine out of ten times they say something to the effect of. "You aren't God. So why are you judging me?"
Did you know that this too is found in the scriptures?

Pro 9:8-9  Reprove H3198 no tH408 a scorner, H3887 lest H6435 he hate H8130 thee: rebuke H3198 a wise man, H2450 and he will love H157 thee. Give H5414 instruction to a wiseH2450 man, and he will be yet H5750 wiser: H2449 teach H3045 a just H6662 man, and he will increase H3254 in learning.H3948

You see? You can reprove a person and they will do nothing more than show you who they are. All you gotta do is look at the fruit they produce when you reprove them. If you reprove a believer who has the love of Jesus in them. It's likely they will do the same as I did. They will ponder it. They will acknowledge GOD in it. They will look upon the situation as if it came from the LORD GOD Almighty. Just as Ninevah did when Jonah warned the people. They surely aren't going to storm off angry and unable to talk in a kosher state of mind.

Now, I could talk about Moses warning the Israelites about keeping the sabbaths. They chose not to listen to Moses -as if he was speaking of his own accord. Geeze Louise, friends, there were five Prophets who warned Israel about not doing what the LORD GOD said. They chose not to listen. None of them could say they weren't warned. NONE OF THEM. Cause all of them were warned by Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Moses, Micah, and Isaiah. So when they were exiled they had no one to blame. The LORD has always used Prophets to deliver a message.

And it is for this reason, that although we do not need a teacher to teach us. We do need to listen to the Prophets that the LORD GOD raises up.

Okay, so now we can move on.

Actually, let me reiterate. We need no man to teach us. However, we do need to listen to the Prophets that the Lord God sends.

Now that we got that out of the way. Let's add another aspect of the scriptures.
  • Luke 17:26 And G2532 as G2531 it was G1096 in G1722 the G3588 days G2250 of Noe, G3575 so G3779 shall it be G2071 also G2532 in G1722 the G3588 days G2250 of the G3588 Son G5207 of man.G444 
If you are wondering why I chose to bring this into the mix at this point. Let me explain. As I said in the beginning of this post. There are so many people warning of the end. You can go to any platform or app considered to be social media and you will find people warning about the return of Jesus Christ. I'm telling you. Not only do I feel it deep down in my soul. I know it's going to happen. Others do to...

This is why everyone is warning. Because they know it. They know the return of our Messiah is at the door.

With this being said, and Luke 17:26 in mind we can safely say these are the days of Noah. Now, it's wise to note. The churches -that I mentioned early- who were leading the flock astray were warned. Ya know? That's exactly what the letters to the churches were about. They were/are a warning to the churches.

Remember, I chose to use Jeremiah 23 as a reference to this? I posted verse 1. Let's look at those verses again...

  • Jeremiah 23:1-6  Woe H1945 be unto the pastors H7462 that destroy H6 and scatter H6327 (H853) the sheep H6629 of my pasture! H4830 saith H5002 the LORD.H3068 Therefore H3651 thus H3541 saith H559 the LORD H3068 God H430 of Israel H3478 against H5921 the pastors H7462 that feed H7462 (H853) my people; H5971 Ye H859 have scattered H6327 (H853) my flock, H6629 and driven them away, H5080 and have not H3808 visited H6485 them: behold, H2009 I will visit H6485 upon H5921 you (H853) the evil H7455 of your doings, H4611 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 And I H589 will gather H6908 (H853) the remnant H7611 of my flock H6629 out of all H4480 H3605 countries H776 whither H834 H8033 I have driven H5080 them, and will bring them again H7725 (H853) to H5921 their folds; H5116 and they shall be fruitful H6509 and increase.H7235 And I will set up H6965 shepherds H7462 over H5921 them which shall feed H7462 them: and they shall fear H3372 no H3808 more, H5750 nor H3808 be dismayed, H2865 neither H3808 shall they be lacking, H6485 saith H5002 the LORD.H3068 Behold, H2009 the days H3117 come, H935 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that I will raise H6965 unto David H1732 a righteous H6662 Branch, H6780 and a King H4428 shall reign H4427 and prosper, H7919 and shall execute H6213 judgment H4941 and justice H6666 in the earth.H776 In his days H3117 Judah H3063 shall be saved, H3467 and Israel H3478 shall dwell H7931 safely: H983 and this H2088 is his name H8034 whereby H834 he shall be called, H7121 THE LORD H3068 OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. H6664 
Look, I was recently told that I'm spreading falsehoods regarding the gospel -even though I read the text just as the Lord God ordained it to be read. I was told when I shared this specific scripture. This was talking about me. I honestly wanted to bust out laughing. Because I always laugh when I want to cry. This literally hurt me to my soul. Not because they were trying to offend me. I'm to be offended for nothing. No, that wasn't the issue. Instead, the issue was about them being so far removed from the truth that they could even say that. My heart was deeply troubled and all I want is to show them. Unfortunately, like many, they don't care to hear. They want to answer matters before they're even spoken in full using man-made precepts- which is what Mark and Matthew were warning about.

Friends, Jeremiah is talking about the last days. Verse 6 is talking about King Jesus. He is the one who will execute judgment and justice in the earth. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He is who will deliver Judah. And Israel will be safe when they dwell with HIM. So these verses are applicable to the days we are living in.

Look, it is written,
  • 1Pe 4:17 For G3754 the G3588 time G2540 is come that judgment G2917 must begin G756 at G575 the G3588 house G3624 of God: G2316 and G1161 if G1487 it first G4412 begin at G575 us,G2257 what G5101 shall the G3588 end G5056 be of them that obey not G544 the G3588 gospel G2098 of God? G2316 
This is exactly where the letters to the seven churches can be applied. Remember, five of the seven churches were charged with something? What did HE tell them in the letters?

He was saying to REPENT before HE SHOWED UP!! Heck, aren't the letters in Revelations?

It would be wise to note. This prophecy of Jeremiah is talking to those teachers who are teaching falsehoods. It is in fact those teachers who are warned in the seven letters to the seven churches. Remember, with about 350,000 churches in the USA today 71% of that would be 250,000 churches. According to this math- that's been derived from the letters to the seven churches- more than half of the teachers, heck you can say, three quarters of the churches teachers would be tainted with a little bit of leaven. That means, unless they repent, they're in trouble. And so is a lot of people who are relying on these teachers to teach the truth.

Think about it. If a teacher of the Word is teaching anything, even .01% of the scriptures wrong, they aren't teaching 100% truth. This means they are leading the flock astray. This is what is meant by a little leaven leaventh the whole lump.

Now, I guess would be a good time to remind you about the piece I published on 9/8/2022 titled "A stripper in the church". I spoke of some intimate details. Things that during that time didn't appear to be an issue. What I mean by that is this. When I first began attending the church my experience with my ex-husband and his family could really be related to merely a family issue. Not one related to the church. It wasn't until over a decade later that I made those correlations expounded on in that writing. You see, when I first attended that church, I felt the Holy Spirit. Heck, it's where I met him at. Also, I didn't know anything about how the church should be ran. So my personal take on stuff was irrelevant at the time. All I know is, some things simply didn't sit right with me. Now, all these years later, I'm capable of expounding on them. But, if it wasn't for the Holy Spirit and the personal issues with his family, I'd never had thought anything about the church that wasn't good. The people in the church were very friendly. I met some awesome, good, kind-hearted people. My discomfort had a lot to do with his family being a part of the church and some internal issues I'd carried around since youth compounded. I was the one with the reservations. The family issues were just that, family issues. I've got to be honest. I'm grateful for the family problems or I'd been sucked into adhering to precepts of men for doctrine. If he and I never had issues -and his family had accepted me in a loving manner- I'd never had thought of leaving the church.

Some people have taken to an I'm sorry this happened to you type attitude after reading the last post. I'm thinking, why? This is the greatest gift the Holy Spirit could've given me. It kept me searching. It kept me asking questions. It kept me trying to understand those things that I simply didn't understand at the time. This is a blessing from on high. It is written in, 
  • Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

I searched with my entire being. Day in and day out to understand the truth. I wanted to know HIM personally. Remember, I met the Messiah the night I was baptized? I was 23 years old. You can't meet HIM and ever remain the same. I, the sinner I've been, was parted with one thing that night. 

It was my goal to find that truth. To see that for myself. So I searched with my everything until it all came together. Now I see the WORD for the perfection it is and I cherish it.

This leads me to bring back up the first reason I know many will be told when HE arrives, "depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you." 

As I stated, these people aren't able to keep the Word, and it's not from any real fault of their own. They stumble at it mostly because of what they've been taught. Just like the Scribes and Pharisees did in the days that the WRITTEN WORD OF GOD BECAME FLESH AND DWELT AMONG US. Jesus DID come in the flesh! And they didn't recognize HIM when HE did. Outside of it is the perfect will of God Almighty. The ignorance of these people existed because of knowledge. Just as Hosea stated when he said on behalf of God, "My people perish for a lack of knowledge".

I can -with confidence say- there are a lot of church goers today that will be very disappointed when HE shows up. I lived it, to learn it, now I see it clearly. More than most churches are leading their congregations straight to the pits of hell and the congregation is too lost to see it. I even know people bound by these concepts who are oblivious to the truth, and when you present it to them, they straight up lose their noodles. I've shed many tears and spent many days trying to reason with some of them (if not all of them) to no avail. They hold onto it. It's almost if they acknowledge their error they will lose something.

If this weren’t the truth, then why do you suppose it’s written in

  • Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Or in

  • Matthew 15:9 They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men”.

What can you say about 

  • Isaiah 29:13? "...these people draw near to me with their mouths, and honour me with their lips, yet have removed their hearts far from me. Moreover, their worship toward me is the doctrines of men."

Does this not say that there are people who say they love the Lord (and are worshipping) but they’re bound by concepts of men? What concepts would you propose they are if it doesn’t have to do with what churches these days are currently teaching?

Check it out. I didn’t see the churches living out any of what the bible said. Nor do I see many of them today. No healings, No supernatural instances, nothing to execute the word like the disciples did.


We will pick up on this in the following posts right where we have left off! Thank you for reading. I hope this blesses you to want to learn more of who Jesus is on your own.

STAY TUNED... More posts on this topic to come!

Post 3 is now up! Pharisees among us? Thats the title!